Chapter Six
While interest in exotic, radioactive beam, systems exists for
many and diverse reasons [178], a primary
theoretical one is to find their matter distributions. The stable nuclei have spatial distributions
of protons and neutrons that are roughly the same. In contrast, exotic systems such as
neutron-rich 11Li [7, 179] seem to have a
neutron distribution that is more extensive than the usual structure models
predict. That ``halo'' is formed by
some of the valence neutrons, two for 11Li, concomitant with the
separation energies of those neutrons being small. Conventional (shell) models for such nuclei give what has been termed neutron skins [178]. Such seem
appropriate for 8He and the Na isotopes in particular. The mass variation of Na interaction cross
sections indicate that the proton rms radii are fixed while the neutron ones
vary with mass. But the models used to
make these reaction cross section calculations were very simple and give
information on the matter profiles only indirectly, as do analyses of most
other experiments involving the exotic nuclei [178].
The light mass systems are of interest
since their structures have been studied by
Navratil and Barrett [170, 180]. They have made
large-space shell model calculations for nuclei up to and including mass 11. In
those calculations all nucleons were active and the NN potential
energies were generated from a realistic NN interaction; the Nijmegen Reid93 interaction usually. These structure
calculations give good low excitation spectra for the stable isotopes and for
many radioactive ones as well. The calculations also give good results for the
binding energies, ground state static moments, and rms radii.
It is of very current interest to
investigate the structure of nuclei such as 6,8He. And some studies in these
particular isotopes have been published [179, 181-183]. In this
chapter the results of analyses of elastic (and inelastic in one case)
scattering of exotic helium isotopes from a hydrogen target are presented.
of single particle wave functions
From many studies, it has been found that to describe light
nuclei in appropriate detail, large basis shell model calculations are required
[75, 123, 184]. With those
made with g-matrix elements described above, not only are the OBDME given but so also are the SP bound states.
They are HO functions. However, as noted, such shell model specifications do
not yield a neutron ``halo'' distribution. Therefore, to associate such
extended distributions with any nucleus, one must change from the HO specification.
Use of WS functions is one way to
control the nucleon distributions by the choice of state binding energies.
The WS single particle wave functions
are used as determined from solution of the Schrodinger equation with
where R = r0 A1/3. With the parameter values are given in Table
6.1, the s- and p- state WS and HO orbit functions have a large overlap.
Table 6.1: Binding energies (in MeV) and
ro (in fm) for single particle wave functions. The remaining
Woods--Saxon parameters are ao = 0.65 fm, rc
= 1.05 fm, and l = 7.0.
All others
For 6,8He, no electron scattering data
exists to set the proton SP wave
functions for these nuclei. Therefore, I
assume WS wave functions with the same parameters and binding energies
as the equivalent states in 6,7Li [123] for 6,8He. These
choices represent the closest comparisons I have for systems with mass numbers
of 6 and 8.
To ensure a halo structure with any of the nuclei, the SP bound state
WS potentials then were adjusted to
reproduce the separation energies of the weakly bound nucleons in the given
shell model state. A halo structure is enforced on 6,8He by setting the 0p shell binding at 2
MeV and the sd shell and higher states at 0.5 MeV. With this approach, 8He acts as
a control since it
is believed to be an example of a neutron skin given that the single neutron separation
energy for this nucleus is 2.584 MeV [185].
Then, by artificially ascribing a halo to this nucleus, the question is
to ascertain whether or not the optical potential calculations and existing data are sensitive
enough to detect the enforced property. Such has been found to be the case in
refs [179].
and discussions
The neutron density profiles for the exotic nuclei 6,8He as given by large space shell model
calculations described are shown in Fig. 6.1.
Figure 6.1: Shell model neutron density
profiles for the nuclei 4,6,8He. The dashed and solid curves
represent, respectively, the profiles when
a halo is and is not contained in those structures. The dots represent
the proton density for each nucleus.
Therein the dashed and solid lines
portray respectively the profiles found with and without halo conditions being
implemented. Density profiles for 4He are also given to show that
the proton and neutron distributions for the stable nucleus are the same.
Note, however, that a primary role of
halo conditions is to reduce the neutron densities for radii less than the
rms radius. With the folding process to define the optical
potentials, the short range details, r < rrms, have
significant effects and so influence calculations of differential cross
sections notably at momentum transfers where scattering
is influenced by the nuclear medium. But
the extended nature of the halo shapes also influence the optical potentials
with their effects in scattering cross sections being evident in changes to
small angle results, typically
for beam energies 60A
to 70A MeV [7].

proton-4He scattering
The predicted differential cross
sections for 25, 30 , 40 and 65 MeV protons from 4He are presented in Fig. 6.2
compared with data measured at 25 [186], 31[187], 40 [188] and 65 [108] MeV
respectively. At these energies the calculated differential cross sections are
poor when compared with data, although the trend of the curves reasonably
replicate that evident in the data.
At 30, 40 and 65 MeV, the calculations
reproduce the data up to 60o
scattering angle. But at 25 MeV the comparison is very poor. I note that the
breakup threshold is near this excitation energy so making the scattering from
this nucleus at this energy special. It does not detract from analyses of 25
MeV proton scattering from the other isotopes.
Figure 6.2: Predictions of the
differential cross sections from the scattering of 25, 30, 40 and 65 MeV
protons from 4He compared with experimental data.
In Fig. 6.3, differential cross sections calculated for
the elastic scattering of 700A MeV 4He ions from hydrogen are compared with data that has been measured at
699A MeV [189, 190]. The same
results are depicted in both panels, with the right panel emphasizing those for
small scattering angles. The data which are known only to 13o in the
center of mass are well reproduced.
Figure 6.3: Predictions of the
differential cross sections from the scattering of 700A MeV 4He
from hydrogen compared with experimental data (left panel). Right panel shows
the same but for small angles only.
Results on the scattering of 24.2A
MeV 6He ions both elastic and inelastic scattering,
and for 717A MeV 6He ions elastic scattering are given here.
Predictions made using the g-folding optical potential approach are compared with the experimental
data in the Figs. 6.4 and 6.5.
In Fig. 6.4, predictions of both the elastic and inelastic scattering
of 25A MeV 6He ions
from hydrogen are compared with the data in the left and right panels respectively. The data were measured
at 24.2A MeV [191] with the open and full dots being the results obtained from two experimental runs. Given that
good results in comparison with 25 MeV proton scattering from diverse
stable mass targets have been found [76, 77], these results are convincing evidence
that 6He has a halo like structure.
Clearly the prediction made using a halo
prescription for 6He is a better (and good) fit to the measured
elastic scattering data; a result that is most evident for the scattering
angles in the range 80o to 140o. Such concurs with the findings of the analyses of
40A MeV data [121].
Figure 6.4: Predictions of the
differential cross sections from the elastic scattering (left panel) and
inelastic scattering (right panel) of 25A MeV 6He from hydrogen compared with experimental data.
The results, assuming that the nucleus has a halo structure are portrayed by the dashed curves while the
results assuming that the nucleus does not have a halo structure are portrayed
by the solid curves.
The momentum transfer values associated
with this angular range implies sensitivity to the potential properties within
the nuclear volume. I associate this with the halo character of 6He then by the reduction of neutron matter
density required within the nuclear volume (from that given by standard models
of structure) to create the extended halo property.
Figure 6.5: Predictions of the
differential cross sections from the scattering of 700A MeV 6He from hydrogen compared with experimental data (left
panel). The small angle values are
shown in the right panel. The results, assuming that the nucleus has a halo
structure are portrayed by the dashed curves and those assuming
that the nucleus does not have a halo structure are portrayed by the solid
The differential cross section from the
inelastic scattering of 25A MeV 6He from hydrogen leading to the 1.8 MeV 2+
state in 6He are compared
with the data in the right panel of the
Fig. 6.4. In this case a DWA was used to give the predictions shown. In that DWA, the distorted waves were
generated from the microscopically defined nonlocal potentials (defined for both the initial and
final channels by the relevant shell occupancies), by the transition OBDME given by the large space shell model study, by
the single particle bound state wave functions as used to form the optical
potentials, and with the same effective NN interaction as the transition operator. Thus there is no adjustable parameter or
undefined added term given the assumption that the shell model does not require
core polarization corrections. The
analysis of the 40A MeV inelastic cross section data indicated that assumption
to be reasonable [121].
The predicted differential cross
sections for the scattering of 700A MeV 6He from hydrogen are presented in Fig. 6.5,
wherein they are compared with data that were measured at 717A MeV [190]. The existing data range only to
12o in the center of mass, but they are very well described by the
predictions. Now, however, one should not discriminate between the results
found using halo and nonhalo structures.
Elastic 8He-hydrogen
The predicted differential cross
sections for the scattering of 30A MeV 8He ions
from hydrogen are compared with experimental data in Fig. 6.6. Data were
measured at 32A MeV [25]. At this particular energy both
the results from halo and nonhalo structures are so similar that one cannot
distinguish between the two possibilities.
Figure 6.6: Predictions of the differential
cross sections from the scattering of 30A MeV 8He
from hydrogen compared with experimental data. The results, assuming that the
nucleus has a halo structure are portrayed by the dashed curve and the
results assuming that the nucleus does not have a halo structure are portrayed
by the solid curve.
The differential cross sections measured from the elastic scattering of 674A
MeV 8He from hydrogen are compared with the predictions of 700A
MeV 8He in Fig. 6.7. Data,
which exist only to 11o, were taken from Ref. [190].
Figure 6.7: As for Fig. 6.5 but for 700A
MeV 8He from hydrogen.
Again this data is not sufficient for
one to discriminate between the halo and nonhalo structure prescriptions of the
The differential cross sections for the scattering of 700A MeV 4,6,8He from hydrogen are presented along with the
comparison between the calculations and the measurements in one figure (Fig.
6.8) to provide a different comparative picture of the isotope
variation. Clearly the g-folding models give optical potentials that have the
same mass trend in this data, whether the nuclei have or do not have a neutron
halo attribute in these matter distributions.
Figure 6.8: Predictions of the
differential cross sections from the scattering of 700A MeV 4,6,8He from hydrogen compared with experimental data.
The results, assuming that the nucleus has a halo structure are portrayed by the dashed curves and the
results assuming that the nucleus does not have a halo structure are portrayed
by the solid curves.
The g-folding approach leads to nonlocal, complex and energy dependent
optical potentials in coordinate space which can be sufficiently sensitive to
extended nucleon distributions of exotic nuclei that signatures of those
distributions are revealed in cross sections from the elastic scattering cross
sections of those exotic nuclei from hydrogen. To be so, however, careful
measurement of data to quite high momentum transfer values may be necessary. However,
it seems more likely that data from the inelastic excitation of RIB nuclei is
sensitive to specifics of the extended matter profiles. That may also be the
case with total reaction cross sections as are discussed in a later chapter.
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