Chapter Seven
distributions in nuclei are not well established yet. In contrast to the proton
root-mean-square (rms) radii, that are known to within an accuracy of ~ 0.02 fm
[192], the neutron
rms radii at best may be known to an accuracy of 0.2 fm [193]. Interest
in the matter distributions of 208Pb, and
its neutron density profile particularly, is quite topical [194]. There
is a proposal to determine its neutron rms radius at the Jefferson Laboratory
(Jefferson Laboratory Experiment E-00-003, spokespersons R. Michaels, P. A.
Souder, and G. M. Urciuoli) from analysis of parity-violating electron
scattering data. However, the neutron rms radius in 208Pb was
assessed in terms of modern Skyrme-Hartree-Fock (SHF) models [194]. With
the Friedman-Pandharipande neutron equation of state as a constraint, the
neutron rms radius in 208Pb was found to be 0.16 ± 0.02 fm larger
than the proton rms radius. Empirical confirmation of that awaits.
In this
chapter by using the g-folding approach to define optical potentials, I have analyzed
data from the elastic scattering of protons from 9Be, 118Sn,
and 208Pb to address the question of whether such
establish a measure of the neutron density distributions by distinguishing
between various model structures that have been proposed.
Results and discussions
Structure and angular
distributions of 9Be
As I will show in the next chapter
predictions of the total reaction cross sections from proton scattering are sensitive to the
details of the model structures chosen for the ground states of nuclei. In particular,
the results for p-9Be scattering reflect the appreciable deformation
of that nucleus; a deformation when represented by a complete 
shell model calculation suffices to explain the proton
total reaction cross sections. Such a
model reproduces the r.m.s. radii but as yet fails to give the correct value
for the quadrupole moment Q.

The neutron distributions for 9Be associated with two structure models
entertained are given in Fig. 7.1. The solid curve shows the neutron density
distribution with the
description of the nucleus while the dashed curve is the
neutron density distribution when the
structure model is
used. The propriety of the larger space description of this nucleus (over that
of the much simpler
shell model) is confirmed by predictions of the angular
dependent measureables, the differential cross section and analyzing power in particular.

Figure 7.1:
The neutron density profiles for 9Be used in calculations of the p-9Be
total reaction cross sections.
The solid curve shows the neutron density distribution assumed with the
description of the
nucleus and the dashed curve is that given by the
structure model.
In Fig. 7.2, the 30.3 MeV differential
cross sections and analyzing power data [141] are compared
with the g-folding model
predictions. Those found using the basic
and the
model OBDME are portrayed by the solid and dashed curves respectively.
With the
model a HO length of
1.44 fm was used while in the folding with
shell model OBDME I have used an oscillator length of 1.57 fm.
The change in oscillator length is consistent with values used to specify
details of the shell model in each case. The
results give slightly better agreement with the data. That is
also the case with the analyzing power, although improvement in detail can be

The differential cross section and
analyzing power for 200 MeV proton scattering from 9Be are shown in Fig.7.3. The notation is as used
in Fig. 7.2. In this case there is little distinction between the results that
give reasonable agreement with the data [195] at least to 30o.
Figure 7.2: The
differential cross sections (top) and the analyzing powers (bottom) for 30 MeV proton-9Be scattering.
Figure 7.3: As
for Fig. 7.2, but for the differential cross sections (top) and analyzing power (bottom)
for 200 MeV proton-9Be scattering.
Structure and angular
distributions of 118Sn
For 118Sn two neutron
distributions are given in Fig. 7.4. The basic
result is depicted by the solid curve. The second
result, portrayed in the figure by dashed curve, was obtained from a g-folding optical potential formed by varying the surface neutron orbit (h11/2)
to be that for an oscillator energy reduced by 20%. The effect of altered
oscillator energy for the h11/2 orbit is to reduce the
neutron probability in the region of 4 fm to enhance the probabilities from 6.5
fm out so ensuring the correct neutron number. Note that the scale is

Figure 7.4: The
neutron density profiles for 118Sn used in the calculations. The different curves are
identified in the text.
These diverse neutron profiles lead to
differing angular distributions. The differential cross section and analyzing
power for the scattering of 40 MeV protons from 118Sn
are shown in Fig.7.5. Therein the results obtained with optical potentials
formed with the OBDME and SP functions of the basic and of the
shell model are shown by the solid and dashed curves respectively. Both g-folding calculations give results in reasonable
agreement with the data [196] but the
extended model results are slightly the

Figure 7.5: The
differential cross sections (top) and analyzing powers (bottom) for 40 MeV
proton-118Sn scattering.
Structure and angular
distributions of 208Pb
For this nucleus there are 3 model
prescriptions considered. I have used two simple packing
shell model descriptions of 208Pb. With both shell models, an oscillator
length b = 2.325 fm was chosen
for the proton SP wave functions.
The neutron SP wave functions were chosen differently. The first model,
designated the
model hereafter, has the neutron oscillator length set as
that of the protons. In the second
model, designated the extended
model hereafter, I adopted that same neutron oscillator
length for all neutrons except for the surface orbit. In the extended
model b = 2.740
fm (15% greater) was used for the outer most shell (i13/2)
neutrons. The third structure was
obtained from an SHF model [194].

Each model gives distinctive density
distributions, as is evident in Fig.7.6. The normalization is such that their
volume integrals equate to the proton and neutron numbers, 82 and 126
Figure 7.6:
Nucleon densities in 208Pb.
In the top segment of Fig. 7.6, the
proton density, rproton(r), of both the
and extended- 
models are displayed by the solid curve while that from the
SHF model is shown by the dot-dashed curve. These quite distinct
shapes nevertheless give the same proton rms radius. They will, however, differ
in the longitudinal electron scattering form factor which is essentially the
Fourier transform of the proton density. The three model neutron densities, rneutron(r), are shown
in the bottom segment of Fig.7.6. As with the proton densities, both of the
models have enhanced neutron probabilities in the nuclear
interior over the SHF values. But these
densities also have increased neutron probability at very
large radii compared to the SHF prescription.

I have analyzed data from proton elastic
scattering from 208Pb for energies ranging from 30 to 800 MeV using
the three models discussed above specifying the 208Pb
ground state densities. Results are compared with the data taken at 12 energies
in that range. Specially I have
considered energies of 30, 40, 65, 80,
120, 160, 200, 300, 400, 500, 650, and 800 MeV. Not only at those energies do the most complete set of
data exist including proton integral observables and differential cross sections, but also for
those energies the method of analysis has been used with great success
for analyses of NA scattering from many stable nuclei [7, 76]. As a first
test of the sensitivity of proton scattering
to the matter distribution of 208Pb, I show in Table 7.1, the total reaction cross sections at the energies 10 to 300~MeV for which data [197-202] are known.
In comparison with the available proton
data, there is a preference for the SHF and extended-
models of the ground state density, and so to probe
these two models further, I have studied
the differential cross sections, analyzing
powers and spin rotation (Q) at diverse energies. Proton
scattering should be sensitive to the neutron distribution in nuclei given
dominance of the isoscalar 3S1 channel in the effective NN
interactions [7]. In all figures
I show, the solid, dashed, and
dot-dashed lines portray the predictions obtained from the calculations of
, extended-
and SHF models, respectively.
Table 7.1: Total reaction
cross sections (in millibarn) of proton scattering from 208Pb. The models are as defined in
the text. The energy units are MeV.
216 ±148
The differential cross sections and analyzing powers for the scattering of 30
MeV proton from 208Pb are presented in Fig. 7.7. The shape of the differential
cross section data are well reproduced by all the three model calculations. But
as seen before [78], the result
from using the
model considerably overestimates the data at and above 50o
scattering angle, as do the cross sections found using the SHF model in this
case. Although the extended-
model result is not
in perfect agreement with the data, it gives the best fit to data of the three
model calculations. For the analyzing powers also, the trend of the three model
calculations are similar to that with the differential cross sections. All
three calculations underestimate structure seen in the data, but the shape
(peaks and valleys) is well replicated. The extended-
result is the best fit to the data.
Figure 7.7: Differential cross sections
(top) and analyzing powers (bottom) from the elastic scattering of 30 MeV
protons from 208Pb. The solid, dashed, and dot-dashed lines portray the
predictions obtained from the calculations made using the
, extended-
and SHF models, respectively.The
analyzing power data were measured at 29 MeV [139], and the
differential cross section data were
measured at 30 MeV [146].
In Fig. 7.8, the differential cross
sections and analyzing powers obtained from the three
model calculations for the scattering of 40 MeV protons from 208Pb are compared with data. The shape of the
differential cross sections data are well reproduced by all the three model
calculations. But now the structure is overaccentuated from what is evident in
the data. Again, as the surface nucleons have a major effect at these energies
of scattering, the extended-
model yields the best result of those found using the three
models. The analyzing power data also is well reproduced, although the
calculated results all are slightly out of phase with the data at 40 MeV.
differential cross sections and analyzing powers for the scattering of 65
MeVprotons from 208Pb are presented in Fig.7.9. All three model
calculations give similar results that are in good agreement with this data,
indicating again that scattering at this energy largely is a surface
phenomenon. The SHF model now gives best
agreement with the data. Recall also that the integral observables for 65 MeV proton scattering gives a
preference for the SHF model.
The differential cross sections for the scattering of 80, 120 and 160~MeV
protons are presented in Fig. 7.10. The differential cross sections obtained from
calculations made with the SHF model of structure are in very good agreement
with all of these data. The predictions
made by both of the
models on the other hand
underestimate the data particularly for scattering angles beyond about 30 - 35o.
Figure 7.10: Differential cross sections
from the elastic scattering of 80 (top), 120 (middle), and 160 (bottom) MeV
protons from 208Pb. The solid, dashed, and
dot-dashed lines portray the predictions obtained from the calculations of
, extended-
and SHF models, respectively. Experimental data were
measured at 79.9, 121.2, and 159.9 MeV [204].
The differential
cross sections, analyzing powers and spin
rotation parameter Q for 200 MeV proton
scattering from 208Pb are compared with data in Fig. 7.11. The
differential cross section data are well reproduced by the SHF model
calculation, while both
model structures give predictions that underestimate the data
noticeably from 20o onward. At this energy and higher, the optical
potentials are such that scattering is most influenced by the bulk nuclear
medium. Such is evident in the results and in the analyzing powers particularly.
These obtained with the SHF model calculations are clearly the best,
giving very good agreement with the
data to 30o scattering
angle.That is also the case with the
spin rotation observable Q.
Figure 7.11: Differential
cross sections (top), analyzing powers (middle) and spin rotation parameter, Q (bottom) from the elastic
scattering of 200 MeV protons from 208Pb. The solid, dashed, and
dot-dashed lines portray the predictions obtained from the calculations of
, extended
and SHF models, respectively. The cross section and analyzing
power data were taken from Ref. [205], and the Q data were
taken from Ref. [206].
Figure 7.12: Same
as Fig. 7.11 but for 300 MeV. The cross section and analyzing power data were taken from Ref. [205], and
the Q data were taken from Ref. [207].
The predictions of differential cross
sections, analyzing powers and spin
rotation parameter Q from the elastic scattering
of 300 MeV protons from 208Pb obtained using the three model structures are
compared with the data in Fig.7.12. Differential cross section data are well
reproduced to 15o scattering by all
three calculations. At larger
momentum transfer the data are underestimated by both the
models, and to some extent, overestimated by the SHF model
results. Nevertheless the result of the SHF model calculation best replicates
the data. Likewise the analyzing power data are best reproduced with the SHF model
calculations and in the region 14o ~ 40o particularly. At
forward angles, all these results
overestimate the data; a phenomenon noticed in other analyses [76] and which I
attribute to inadequacies in the specification of the effective interactions. Again
the spin rotation data are well described, and best by the SHF prescription.
Figure 7.14:
Same as Fig. 7.11 but for 500 MeV. The cross section and analyzing power data were measured at 500 MeV [205], and
the Q data were measured at 497 MeV [208].
The results of my calculations for
proton energies well above pion threshold are shown in Figs. 7.13, 7.14, 7.15
and 7.16 for the energies 400, 500, 650 and 800 MeV, respectively. As for p-12C scattering [76] analyses, at
these energies the effective NN interactions have been formed by supplementing the bare BCC3
interaction with complex short ranged Gaussian NN optical potentials with strengths
set to ensure a match with the NN phase shifts at each relevant energy.
The differential cross sections and analyzing powers from the elastic
scattering of 400 MeV protons from 208Pb are compared with the data in Fig. 7.13. The
differential cross sections data are well reproduced by the calculation made
with the SHF spectroscopy. Using either
model again underestimates the data at larger momentum
transfer values. The analyzing powers resulting by use of the SHF model
densities are in very good agreement
with the data at and above 18o scattering angles, but again the forward angle analyzing power data are overestimated by all three model calculations.
Figure 7.16: Same as Fig. 7.11 but for
800 MeV. The cross section, analyzing power and Q data were taken from Refs. [115, 210] and [211] respectively.
The predicted
differential cross sections,
analyzing powers and spin rotation parameter Q from the elastic scattering
of 500 MeV protons from 208Pb obtained using the three models of density are compared with the experimental data in
Fig. 7.14. The differential cross section data are reasonably well reproduced
by all the three model calculations, although there are now clear mismatches
that put into question the propriety of the effective interaction used. Such a
concern is heightened by the result I have for the spin observables.
Similar quality results are found at 650 MeV (Fig.7.15).
Predictions of
the differential cross section, analyzing power and the spin rotation parameter Q from the elastic scattering
of 800 MeV protons from 208Pb are compared with the data in 7.16. In the case
of the differential cross section the three model calculations give similar
results. The data are well described to 14o scattering but beyond
that angle the predictions all overestimate the data significantly. The
situation with the spin observables, the
analyzing power and spin rotation Q is much worse. That data are not
reproduced wll at all, neither in shape nor in magnitude. It is evident that at
high energies (> 300 MeV) a better specification of effective NN
interactions at least is needed.
distinctions between the predictions of scattering found using different model
neutron distributions, and particularly with the three models for the structure
of 208Pb, demonstrate
that the sensitivity of the procedure of analysis to the neutron density
suffices to pin down the neutron matter distributions better than has been
possible in the past. Such I predicted on the basis of the results for
scattering below 300 MeV for which I am confident that the g-folding approach and the NN effective
interactions are reliable. Below 65 MeV, the data analyses indicate strongly
the properties of the nuclear surface while above that energy, it is the bulk
density variation that plays the dominant role in scattering analyses. All in
all the SHF specification of the nucleon distributions in 208Pb seem
the most realistic although improvements are suggested.
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