Sunday, 17 May 2020

সি ভি রামন - পর্ব ২৮

চন্দ্রশেখর ভেঙ্কট রামনের গবেষণা-গ্রন্থ

1.             C. V. Raman, Molecular Diffraction of Light, Calcutta             University Press,   1922.
2.             C. V. Raman, The New Physics: Talks on Aspects of Science,   Philosophical Library Inc, New York, 1951.
3.             C. V. Raman, Lectures on Physical Optics, The Indian              Academy of Sciences, Bangalore, 1959.
4.             C. V. Raman, The Physiology of Vision, The Indian Academy                of Sciences, Bangalore, 1968.


চন্দ্রশেখর ভেঙ্কট রামনের গবেষণাপত্র

স্যার রামনের গবেষণাপত্রগুলির মধ্যে ২০২টি পেপার প্রকাশিত হয়েছে প্রসিডিংস অব ইন্ডিয়ান অ্যাকাডেমি অব সায়েন্সে, ৯০টি পেপার প্রকাশিত হয়েছে নেচার জার্নালে, ৬৫টি পেপার প্রকাশিত হয়েছে কারেন্ট সায়েন্সে, ৩৯টি পেপার প্রকাশিত হয়েছে ফিলোসফিক্যাল ম্যাগাজিনে, ১৫টি পেপার প্রকাশিত হয়েছে লন্ডনের রয়েল সোসাইটির প্রসিডিংস-এ। এগুলি ছাড়াও আরো কিছু পেপার প্রকাশিত হয়েছে দেশ বিদেশের বিভিন্ন জার্নালে। রামনের সবগুলো পেপারের তালিকা নিচে দেয়া হলো।


1.             Raman, C.V., Unsymmetrical diffraction-bands due to a rectangular aperture, Philosophical Magazine, 1906, Vol.12, p494-498.


2.             Raman, C.V., Newton's rings in polarized light, Nature, 1907, Vol.76, p637
3.             Raman, C.V., The curvature method of determining the surface tension of liquids, Philosophical Magazine, 1907, Vol.14, p591-596

4.             Raman, C.V., Secondary waves of light, Nature, 1908, Vol.78, p55-56


5.             Raman, C.V.,The "Ectara", Journal of Indian Mathematical Club, 1909, p170-175
6.             Raman, C.V., The small notion at the nodes of a vibrating string, Nature, 1909, Vol.82, p9
7.             Raman, C.V., The photometric measurement of the obliquity factor of diffraction, Nature, 1909, Vol.82, p69
8.             Raman, C.V., The maintenance of forced oscillations of a new type, Nature, 1909, Vol.82, p156-157
9.             Raman, C.V., The experimental study of Huygens's secondary waves, Philosophical Magazine, 1909, Vol.17, p204-216
10.          Raman, C.V., Historical note on the discovery of the ultra-microscopic method, Philosophical Magazine, 1909, Vol.17, p495


11.          Raman, C.V., The maintenance of forced oscillations, Nature, 1910, Vol.82, p428-429
12.          Raman, C.V., Oscillations of stretched strings, Journal of Indian Mathematical Club, 1910, p14-19


13.          Raman, C.V., Photographs of vibration curves, Philosophical Magazine, 1911, Vol.21, p615-618
14.          Raman, C.V., Photometric measurement of the obliquity factor of diffraction, Philosophical Magazine, 1911, Vol.21, p618-626
15.          Raman, C.V., Remarks on a paper by J. S. Stokes on some curious phenomena observed in connection with Melde's experiment, Physical Review, 1911, Vol.32, p307-308
16.          Raman, C.V., The small motion at the nodes of a vibrating string, Physical Review, 1911, Vol.32, p309-315


17.          Raman, C.V., Some remarkable cases of resonance, Physical Review, 1912, Vol.35, p449-458
18.          Raman, C.V., Experimental investigations on the maintenance of vibrations, Bulletin of the Indian Association for the Cultivation of Science, 1912, Vol.6, p1-40
19.          Raman, C.V., The maintenance of forced oscillation of a new type, Philosophical Magazine, 1912, Vol.24, p513-519
20.          Raman, C.V., Some new methods in kinematical theory, Bulletin of the Calcutta Mathematical Society, 1912-13, Vol.4, p1-4


21.          Raman, C.V., Some acoustical observations, Bulletin of the Indian Association for the Cultivation of Science, 1913, Vol.8, p17-21
22.          Raman, C.V., On the summation of certain Fourier series involving discontinuities, Bulletin of the Calcutta Mathematical Society, 1913-14, Vol.5, p5-8


23.          Raman, C.V., On motion in a periodic field of force, Bulletin of the Indian Association for the Cultivation of Science, 1914, Vol.11, p25-42
24.          Raman, C.V., The dynamical theory of the motion of bowed strings, Bulletin of the Indian Association for the Cultivation of Science, 1914, Vol.11, p43-52
25.          Raman, C.V., The maintenance of vibrations, Physical Review, 1914, Vol.4, p12-17


26.          Raman, C.V., On motion in a periodic field of force, Philosophical Magazine, 1915, Vol.29, p15-27
27.          Raman, C.V., On the maintenance of combinational vibrations by two simple harmonic forces, Physical Review, 1915, Vol.5, p1-20
28.          Raman, C.V., On intermittent vision, Philosophical Magazine, 1915, Vol.30, p701-702


29.          Raman, C.V.; Appaswamaiyer, S., On discontinuous wave-motion - Part I, Philosophical Magazine, 1916, Vol.31, p47-51
30.          Raman, C.V., On the 'Wolf note' in bowed stringed instruments, Philosophical Magazine, 1916, Vol.32, p391-395
31.          Raman, C.V., On the 'Wolf note' of the violin and cello, Nature, 1916, Vol.97, p362-363


32.          Raman, C.V.; Dey, Ashutosh, On discontinuous wave-motion - Part II., Philosophical Magazine, 1917, Vol.33, p203-206
33.          Raman, C.V.; Dey, Ashutosh, On discontinuous wave-motion - Part III, Philosophical Magazine, 1917, Vol.33, p352-357
34.          Raman, C.V.; Dey, Ashutosh, The maintenance of vibrations by a periodic field of force, Philosophical Magazine, 1917, Vol.34, p129-137
35.          Raman, C.V., On the alterations of tone produced by a violin mute, Nature, 1917, Vol.100, p84-85


36.          Raman, C.V., The photographic study of impact at minimal velocities, Physical Review, 1918, Vol.12, p442-447
37.          Raman, C.V., On the mechanical theory of the vibrations of bowed strings and of musical instruments of the violin family, with experimental verification of the results, Part I., Bulletin of the Indian Association for the Cultivation of Science, 1918, Vol.15, p1-158
38.          Raman, C.V., On the 'Wolf note' in bowed stringed instruments, Philosophical Magazine, 1918, Vol.35, p493-496
39.          Raman, C.V., The theory of the cyclical vibrations of a bowed string, Bulletin of the Indian Association for the Cultivation of Science, 1918, Vol.15, p1-8
40.          Raman, C.V., 'Wolf note' in pizzicato playing, Nature, 1918, Vol.101, p264
41.          Raman, C.V.; Ghosh, P.N., The colours of the striae in mica, Nature, 1918, Vol.102, p205


42.          Raman, C.V., The Doppler effect in the molecular scattering of radiation, Nature, 1919, Vol.103, p165
43.          Dey, Ashutosh; Raman, C.V., A new method for the absoute determination of frequency, Proceedings of the Royal Society of London - A, 1919, Vol.95, p533-545
44.          Raman, C.V., Note on the theory of sub-synchronous maintenance, Proceedings of the Royal Society of London - A, 1919, Vol.95, p544-545
45.          Raman, C.V., On the Diffraction-Figures Due to An Elliptic Aperture, Physical Review, 1919, Vol.13, p259-260
46.          Raman, C.V., An Experimental Method for the Production of Vibrations, Physical Review, 1919, Vol.14, p446-449
47.          Raman, C.V., The kinematics of bowed strings, Journal of Dept. of Science, Universtiy of Calcutta, 1919, Vol.1, p15-21
48.          Raman, C.V., The scattering of light in the refractive media of the eye, Philosophical Magazine, 1919, Vol.38, p568-572
49.          Raman, C.V., On the partial tones of bowed stringed instruments, Philosophical Magazine, 1919, Vol.38, p573-581
50.          Raman, C.V., Percussion figures in isotropic solids, Nature, 1919, Vol.104, p113-114


51.          Raman, C.V.; Banerji, Bhabonath, On Kaufmann's theory of the impact of the pianoforte hammer, Proceedings of the Royal Society of London - A, 1920, Vol.97, p99-110
52.          Raman, C.V., On Some Applications of Hertz's Theory of Impact, Physical Review, 1920, Vol.15, p277-284
53.          Raman, C.V., Experiments with mechanically-played violins, Proceedings of the Indian Association for the Cultivation of Science, 1920, Vol.6, p19-36
54.          Raman, C.V.; Kumar, Sivakali,  Musical drums with harmonic overtones, Nature, 1920, Vol.104, p500
55.          Raman, C.V.; Dey, Ashutosh, On the sounds of splashes, Philosophical Magazine, 1920, Vol.39, p145-147
56.          Raman, C.V., On the mechanical violin-player for acoustical experiments, Philosophical Magazine, 1920, Vol.39, p535-536


57.          Raman, C.V., Nature of vowel sounds, Nature, 1921, Vol.107, p332-333
58.          Raman, C.V., The colours of breathed-on plates, Nature, 1921, Vol.107, p714
59.          Raman, C.V., Conical refraction in biaxial crystals, Nature, 1921, Vol.107, p747
60.          Raman, C.V., The radiant spectrum, Nature, 1921, Vol.108, p12
61.          Raman, C.V.; Sutherland, G.A., The whispering gallery phenomenon at St Paul's Cathedral, Nature, 1921, Vol.108, p42
62.          Raman, C.V., Smoky quartz, Nature, 1921, Vol.108, p81
63.          Raman, C.V., A method of improving visibility of distant objects, Nature, 1921, Vol.108, p242
64.          Raman, C.V., The colour of the sea, Nature, 1921, Vol.108, p367
65.          Raman, C.V., The molecular scattering of light in liquids and solids, Nature, 1921, Vol.108, p402
66.          Raman, C.V.; Ray, Bidhubhusan, On the transmission colours of sulphur suspensions, Proceedings of the Royal Society of London - A, 1921, Vol.100, p102-109
67.          Raman, C.V.; Sutherland, G.A., On the whispering gallery phenomenon, Proceedings of the Royal Society of London - A, 1921, Vol.100, p424-428
68.          Raman, C.V., On some Indian stringed instruments, Proceedings of the Indian Association for the Cultivation of Science, 1921, Vol.7, p29-33
69.          Raman, C.V.; Banerji, Bhabonath, Colours of mixed plates, Part I., Philosophical Magazine, 1921, Vol.41, p338-347
70.          Raman, C.V.; Banerji, Bhabonath, Colours of mixed plates, Part II., Philosophical Magazine, 1921, Vol.41, p860-871
71.          Raman, C.V.; Sheshagiri Rao, K., On the colours of mixed plates - Part III, Philosophical Magazine, 1921, Vol.42, p679-695
72.          Raman, C.V.; Datta, Goverdhan Lal, On Quetelet's rings and other allied phenomena, Philosophical Magazine, 1921, Vol.42, p826-840


73.          Raman, C.V., Optical observation of the thermal agitation of the atoms in crystals, Nature, 1922, Vol.109, p42
74.          Raman, C.V., Anisotropy of molecules, Nature, 1922, Vol.109, p75-76
75.          Raman, C.V., Colours of tempered steel, Nature, 1922, Vol.109, p105-106
76.          Raman, C.V., Molecular structure of amorphous solids, Nature, 1922, Vol.109, p138-139
77.          Raman, C.V., The radiant spectrum, Nature, 1922, Vol.109, p175-176
78.          Raman, C.V., Diffraction by molecular clusters and the quantum structure of light, Nature, 1922, Vol.109, p444-445
79.          Raman, C.V., Einstein's aberration experiment, Nature, 1922, Vol.109, p477-478
80.          Raman, C.V., Molecular aelotropy in liquids, Nature, 1922, Vol.110, p11
81.          Raman, C.V., Opalescence phenomena in liquid mixtures, Nature, 1922, Vol.110, p77-78
82.          Raman, C.V., Transparency of liquids and the colour of the sea, Nature, 1922, Vol.110, p280-281
83.          Raman, C.V., The spectrum of neutral helium, Nature, 1922, Vol.110, p700-701
84.          Raman, C.V., The molecular scattering of light, Calcutta: University of Calcutta, 1922, p104
85.          Raman, C.V., On the molecular scattering of light in water and the colours of the sea, Proceedings of the Royal Society of London - A, 1922, Vol.101, p64-80
86.          Raman, C.V., The acoustical knowledge of the ancient Hindus, Asutosh Mookerjee Silver Jubilee Volume.2, 1922, p179-185
87.          Raman, C.V., On whispering galleries, Bulletin of the Indian Association for the Cultivation of Science, 1922, Vol.17, p159-172
88.          Raman, C.V., On Einstein's aberration experiment, Astrophysical Journal, 1922, Vol.56, p29-33
89.          Raman, C.V., On the phenomenon of "radiant spectrum observed by Sir David Brewster, Philosophical Magazine, 1922, Vol.43, p357-358
90.          Raman, C.V.; Sethi, Nihal Karan, On the convection of light (Fizeau effect) in moving gases, Philosophical Magazine, 1922, Vol.43, p447-455
91.          Raman, C.V.; Tamma, V.S., On a new optical property of biaxial crystals, Philosophical Magazine, 1922, Vol.43, p510-513


92.          Raman, C.V.; Ramanathan, K.R., The diffraction of X-rays in liquids, liquid mixtures, solutions, fluid crystals and amorphous solids, Proceedings of the Indian Association for the Cultivation of Science, 1923, Vol.8, p127-162
93.          Raman, C.V.; Ganesan, A.S., On the spectrum of neutral helium, Astrophysical Journal, 1923, Vol.57, p243-247
94.          Raman, C.V.; Ramanathan, K.R., Molecular scattering of light in carbon-dioxide at high pressures, Proceedings of the Royal Society of London A, 1923, Vol.104, p357-368
95.          Raman, C.V.; Ramanathan, K.R., On the molecular scattering of light in dense vapours and gases, Philosophical Magazine, 1923, Vol.45, p113-128
96.          Raman, C.V.; Ramanathan, K.R., The molecular scattering of light in liquid mixtures, Philosophical Magazine, 1923, Vol.45, p213-224
97.          Raman, C.V.; Sheshagiri Rao, K., On the molecular scattering and extinction of light in liquids and the determination of the Avogadro constant, Philosophical Magazine, 1923, Vol.45, p625-640
98.          Raman, C.V.; Sheshagiri Rao, K., On the polarization of the light scattered by gases and vapours, Philosophical Magazine, 1923, Vol.46 p426-434
99.          Raman, C.V., Thermal opalescence in crystals and the colour of ice in glaciers, Nature, 1923, Vol.111, p13-14
100.        Raman, C.V., The scattering of X-rays in liquids, Nature, 1923, Vol.111, p185
101.        Raman, C.V., The Nature of the liquid state, Nature, 1923, Vol.111, p428
102.        Raman, C.V., A theory of the viscosity of liquids, Nature, 1923, Vol.111, p532-533
103.        Raman, C.V., The viscosity of liquids, Nature, 1923, Vol.111, p600-601
104.        Raman, C.V., The scattering of light by anisotropic molecules, Nature, 1923, Vol.112, p165-166
105.        Raman, C.V., The scattering of light by liquid and solid surfaces, Nature, 1923, Vol.112, p281-282


106.        Raman, C.V., On the mean distance between neighbouring molecules in a fluid, Philosophical Magazine, 1924, Vol.47, p671-679
107.        Raman, C.V., The structure of molecules in relation to their optical anisotropy, Nature, 1924, Vol.114, p49-50
108.        Raman, C.V.; Ganesan, A.S., On the spectrum of neutral helium. Part II, Astrophysical Journal, 1924, Vol.59, p61-63


109.        Raman, C.V., Die Zerstreung des Lichtes durch dielektrische Kugeln, Zeitschrift für Physik, 1925, Vol.33, p870
110.        Raman, C.V.;Ramdas, L.A., The scattering of light by liquid boundaries and its relation to surface tension. Part I, Proceedings of the Royal Society of London A, 1925, Vol.108, p561-571
111.        Raman, C.V.; Ramdas, L.A., The scattering of light by liquid boundaries and its relation to surface tension. Part II, Proceedings of the Royal Society of London A, 1925, Vol.109, p150-157
112.        Raman, C.V.; Ramdas, L.A., The scattering of light by liquid boundaries and its relation to surface tension. Part III, Proceedings of the Royal Society of London A, 1925, Vol.109, p272-279
113.        Raman, C.V., The effect of dispersion on the interference figures of crystals, Nature, 1925, Vol.113, p127
114.        Raman, C.V.; Datta, S.K., Anomalous dispersion and multiple lines in spectra, Nature, 1925, Vol.115, p946
115.        Raman, C.V.; Banerji, K., The optical properties of amethyst quartz, Transactions of the Optical Society, 1925, Vol. 26, p289-292
116.        Raman, C.V.; Datta, S.K., On Brewster's bands. Part I, Transactions of the Optical Society, 1925, Vol. 27, p51-55
117.        Raman, C.V.; Krishnan, K.S., On the diffraction of light by spherical obstacles, Proceedings of the Physical Society of London, 1925, Vol.38, p350-353
118.        Raman, C.V., On the nature of the disturbance in the second medium in total reflection, Philosophical Magazine, 1925, Vol.50, p812-815


119.        Raman, C.V., The subjective analysis of musical tones, Nature, 1926, Vol.117, p450-451
120.        Raman, C.V., The birefringence of crystalline carbonates, nitrates and sulphates, Nature, 1926, Vol.118, p264-265
121.        Raman, C.V.; Krishnan, K.S., The electrical polarity of molecules, Nature, 1926, Vol.118, p302
122.        Raman, C.V., The optical study of percussion figures, Journal of the Optical Society of America, 1926, Vol.12, p387-390
123.        Raman, C.V.; Ramakrishna Rao, I., Diffraction of light by a transparent lamina, Proceedings of the Physical Society of London, 1926, Vol.39, p453-457
124.       Raman, C.V., Huygens' principle and the phenomena of total reflexion, Transactions of the Optical Society, 1926, Vol. 28, p149-160
125.        Raman, C.V., On the total reflection of light, Proceedings of the Indian Association for the Cultivation of Science, 1926, Vol.9, p271-286


126.        Raman, C.V.; Ramdas, L.A., On the thickness of the optical transition layer in liquid surfaces, Philosophical Magazine, 1927, Vol.53, p220-223
127.        Raman, C.V.; Krishnan, K.S., Electric double refraction in relation to polarity and optical anisotropy of molecules - Part I: Gases and vapours, Philosophical Magazine, 1927, Vol.53, p713-723
128.        Raman, C.V.; Krishnan, K.S., Electric double refraction in relation to polarity and optical anisotropy of molecules - Part II: Liquids, Philosophical Magazine, 1927, Vol.53, p724-735
129.        Raman, C.V., The molecular scattering of light in binary liquid mixtures, Philosophical Magazine, 1927, Vol.54, p447-448
130.        Raman, C.V.; Krishnan, K.S., La constant de birefringence magnetique du benzene, C. R. Academy of Sciences, Paris, 1927, Vol.184, p449-451
131.        Raman, C.V.; Krishnan, K.S., Magnetic double refraction in liquids, Part I: Benzene and its derivatives, Proceedings of the Royal Society of London A, 1927, Vol.113, p511-519
132.        Krishnan, K.S.; Raman, C.V., The magnetic anisotropy of crystalline nitrates and, carbonates, Proceedings of the Royal Society of London A, 1927, Vol.115, p549-554
133.        Raman, C.V.; Ramakrishna Rao, J., Magnetic double refraction, Nature, 1927, Vol.119, p528
134.        Raman, C.V.; Sogani, C.M. X-ray diffraction in liquids, Nature, 1927, Vol.119, p601
135.        Raman, C.V., Optical behaviour of protein solutions, Nature, 1927, Vol.120, p158
136.        Raman, C.V.; Sogani, C.M. X-ray diffraction in liquids, Nature, 1927, Vol.120, p514
137.        Raman, C.V.; Krishnan, K.S., The Maxwell effect in liquids, Nature, 1927, Vol.120, p726-727
138.        Raman, C.V., Thermal degeneration of X-ray haloes in liquids, Nature, 1927, Vol.120, p770
139.        Raman, C.V., Thermodynamics, wave theory and the Compton effect, Nature, 1927, Vol.120, p950-951
140.        Raman, C.V., Relation of Tyndall effect to osmotic pressure in colloidal solutions, Indian Journal of Physics, 1927, Vol.2 p1-6
141.        Raman, C.V., The scattering of light in amorphous solids, Journal of the Optical Society of America, 1927, Vol.15, p185-189
142.        Raman, C.V.; Krishnan, K.S., The diffraction of light by metallic screens, Proceedings of the Royal Society of London - A, 1927, Vol.116, p254-267
143.        Raman, C.V.; Krishnan, K.S., A theory of electric and magnetic birefringence in liquids, Proceedings of the Royal Society of London A, 1927, Vol.117, p1-11
144.        Raman, C.V.; Krishnan, K.S., A theory of the optical and electrical properties of liquids, Proceedings of the Royal Society of London A, 1927, Vol.117, p589-599
145.        Raman, C.V., Musical instruments and their tones, Handbuch Der Physik, Chapter 8, 1927, p354-424


146.        Raman, C.V., A new radiation, Indian Journal of Physics, 1928, Vol.2, p387-398
147.        Raman, C.V.; Krishnan, K.S., A new class of spectra due to secondary radiation. Part I., Indian Journal of Physics, 1928, Vol.2, p399-419
148.        Raman, C.V., A classical derivation of the Compton effect, Indian Journal of Physics, 1928, Vol.3, p357-369
149.        Raman, C.V.;Sogani, C.M., A critical absorption photometer for the study of the Compton effect, Proceedings of the Royal Society of London A, 1928, Vol.119, p526-530
150.        Raman, C.V.; Krishnan, K.S., A new type of secondary radiation, Nature, 1928, Vol.121, p501-502
151.        Raman, C.V., A change of wave-length in light-scattering, Nature, 1928, Vol.121, p619
152.        Raman, C.V.; Krishnan, K.S., The optical analogue of the Compton effect, Nature, 1928, Vol.121, p711
153.        Raman, C.V.; Sirkar, S.C., Disappearance and reversal of the Kerr effect, Nature, 1928, Vol.121, p794
154.        Raman, C.V.; Krishnan, K.S., The negative absorption of radiation, Nature, 1928, Vol.122, p12-13
155.        Raman, C.V.; Krishnan, K.S., Polarization of scattered light quanta, Nature, 1928, Vol.122, p169
156.        Raman, C.V.; Krishnan, K.S., Molecular spectra in the extreme infra-red, Nature, 1928, Vol.122, p278
157.        Raman, C.V.; Krishnan, K.S., Rotation of molecules induced by light, Nature, 1928, Vol.122, p882
158.        Raman, C.V.; Krishnan, K.S., A theory of the birefringence induced by flow in liquids, Philosophical Magazine, 1928, Vol.55, p769-783


159.        Raman, C.V., Investigations of scattering of light, Nature, 1929, Vol.123, p50
160.        Raman, C.V., Colour and optical anisotropy of organic compounds, Nature, 1929, Vol.123, p494
161.        Raman, C.V., Magnetic behaviour of organic crystals, Nature, 1929, Vol.123, p605
162.        Raman, C.V., Diamagnetism and crystal structure, Nature, 1929, Vol.123, p945
163.        Raman, C.V.; Krishnamurti, P., A new X-ray effect, Nature, 1929, Vol.124, p53-54
164.        Raman, C.V., Anomalous diamagnetism, Nature, 1929, Vol.124, p412
165.        Raman, C.V.; Krishnan, K.S., The production of new radiations by light-scattering. Part I., Proceedings of the Royal Society of London A, 1929, Vol.122, p23-35
166.        Raman, C.V., The Raman effect. Investigation of molecular structure by light scattering, Transactions of the Faraday Society, 1929, Vol.25, p781-792
167.        Raman, C.V.; Bhagavantam, S., The relation between colour and molecular structure in organic compounds, Indian Journal of Physics, 1929, Vol.34, p57-78
168.        Raman, C.V., The theory of light-scattering in liquids, Philosophical Magazine, 1929, Vol.57, p160-161
169.        Raman, C.V.; Krishnan, K.S., A theory of light-scattering in liquids, Philosophical Magazine, 1929, Vol.55, p498-512


170.        Raman, C.V., The molecular scattering of light, Nobel Lecture, 1930.
171.        Raman, C.V., Diamagnetism and molecular structure, Proceedings of the Physical Society of London, 1930, Vol.42, p309-320
172.        Raman, C.V., Address delivered at the convocation of the University of Mysore, Addressess delivered at the Mysore University Convocations 1918-1929, Ed. by C. Hayavadana Rao, 1930, p329-344


173.        Raman, C.V.; Bhagavantam, S., Evidence for the spin of the photon from light-scattering, Nature, 1931, Vol.128, p114-11
174.        Raman, C.V., Angular momentum of light, Nature, 1931, Vol.128, p545
175.        Raman, C.V., Doppler Effect in light-scattering, Nature, 1931, Vol.128, p636
176.        Raman, C.V.; Chinchalkar, S.W., A new type of magnetic birefringence, Nature, 1931, Vol.128, p758-759
177.        Raman, C.V., Atoms and molecules as Fitzgerald oscillators, Nature, 1931, Vol.128, p795
178.        Raman, C.V.; Bhagavantam, S., Experimental proof of the spin of the photon, Indian Journal of Physics, 1931, Vol.6, p353-366
179.        Raman, C.V., India's debt to Faraday, Nature, 1931, Vol.128, p362-364


180.        Raman, C.V.; Bhagavantam, S., Experimental proof of the spin of the photon, Nature, 1932, Vol.129, p22-23


181.        Raman, C.V., The origin of the colours in the plumage of birds, Proceedings of the Indian Academy of Sciences-A, 1934, Vol.1, p1-7
182.        Raman, C.V., On iridescent shells - Part I: Introductory, Proceedings of the Indian Academy of Sciences-A, 1934, Vol.1, p567-573
183.        Raman, C.V., On iridescent shells - Part II: Colours of laminar diffraction, Proceedings of the Indian Academy of Sciences-A, 1934, Vol.1, p574-589
184.        Raman, C.V., On iridescent shells - Part III: Body colours and diffusion haloes, Proceedings of the Indian Academy of Sciences-A, 1934, Vol.1, p859-870

185.        Raman, C.V., Indian musical drums, Proceedings of the Indian Academy of Sciences-A, 1935, Vol.1, p179-188
186.        Raman, C.V.; Raghavendra Rao, B.V., Nature of thermal agitation in liquids, Nature, 1935, Vol.135, p761-762


187.        Raman, C.V.; Nagendra Nath, N.S., Diffraction of light by ultrasonic waves, Nature, 1936, Vol.138, p616
188.        Raman, C.V., Address delivered at the convocation of the Banaras Hindu University, Banaras Hindu University 1905-1935, Ed. by V A Sundaram, 1936, p430-450
189.        Raman, C.V.; Nagendra Nath, N.S., The diffraction of light by high frequency sound waves. Part I., Proceedings of the Indian Academy of Sciences-A, 1936, Vol.2, p406-412
190.        Raman, C.V.;Nagendra Nath, N.S., The diffraction of light by high frequency sound waves - Part II, Proceedings of the Indian Academy of Sciences-A, 1936, Vol.2, p413-420
191.        Raman, C.V.; Nagendra Nath, N.S., The diffraction of light by high frequency sound waves - Part III: Doppler effect and coherence phenomena, Proceedings of the Indian Academy of Sciences-A, 1936, Vol.3, p75-84
192.        Raman, C.V.; Nagendra Nath, N.S., The diffraction of light by high frequency sound waves - Part IV. Generalized theory, Proceedings of the Indian Academy of Sciences-A, 1936, Vol.3, p119-125
193.        Raman, C.V.;Nagendra Nath, N.S., The diffraction of light by high frequency sound waves - Part V: General considerations (oblique incidence and amplitude changes)., Proceedings of the Indian Academy of Sciences-A, 1936, Vol.3, p459-465


194.        Raman, C.V.; Raghavendra Rao, B.V., Acoustic spectrum of liquids, Nature, 1937, Vol.139, p584-585


195.        Raman, C.V., The Krishnan effect, The Mysore Times, 15th July 1938
196.        Raman, C.V.; Raghavendra Rao, B.V., Light-scattering and fluid viscosity, Nature, 1938, Vol.141, p242-243
197.        Raman, C.V.; Venkateswaran, C.S., Optical observation of the Debye heat waves in crystals,  Nature, 1938, Vol. 142, p250
198.        Raman, C.V.; Subbaramaiah, K., Interference patterns with Liesegang rings, Nature, 1938, Vol.142, p355


199.        Raman, C.V.; Nedungadi, T.M.K., Lattice oscillations in crystals, Nature, 1939, Vol.143, p679
200.        Mody, H.P.; Raman, C.V., What would I do if I lived my life again?, The Illustrated Weekly of India, 23rd March, 1939
201.        Raman, C.V.; Rajagopalan, V.S., Haidinger's rings in curved plates, Journal of the Optical Society of America, 1939, Vol.29, p413-416
202.        Raman, C.V.; Rajagopalan, V.S., The structure and optical characters of iridescent glass, Proceedings of the Indian Academy of Sciences-A, 1939, Vol.9, p371-381
203.        Raman, C.V.; Subbaramaiah, K., On the wave-like character of periodic precipitates, Proceedings of the Indian Academy of Sciences-A, 1939, Vol.9, p455-466
204.        Raman, C.V.; Rajagopalan, V.S., Haidinger's Rings in soap bubbles, Proceedings of the Indian Academy of Sciences-A, 1939, Vol.10, p317-323


205.        Raman, C.V.; Nedungadi, T.M.K., The alpha-beta transformation of quartz, Nature, 1940, Vol.145, p147
206.        Raman, C.V., The scientific tradition: Professors Wilson and Jones, Raman Research Institute Archive, cument No. RP 3.49, Feb. 2, 1940.
207.        Raman, C.V.; Nilakantan, P., A new X-ray effect, Current Science, 1940, Vol.9, p165-167
208.        Raman, C.V.; Nilakantan, P., Reflection of X-rays, with change of frequency. Part I. Theoretical discussion, Proceedings of the Indian Academy of Sciences-A, 1940, Vol.11, p379-388
209.        Raman, C.V.; Nilakantan, P., Reflection of X-rays with change of frequency. Part II. The case of diamond, Proceedings of the Indian Academy of Sciences-A, 1940, Vol.11, p389-397
210.        Raman, C.V.; Nilakantan, P., Reflection of X-rays with change of frequency. Part III. The case of sodium nitrate, Proceedings of the Indian Academy of Sciences-A, 1940, Vol.11, p398-408
211.        Raman, C.V.; Rajagopalan, V.S., Colours of stratified media - I: Ancient decomposed glass, Proceedings of the Indian Academy of Sciences-A, 1940, Vol.11, p469-482
212.        Raman, C.V.; Nagendra Nath, N.S., Quantum theory of X-ray reflection and scattering. Part I. Geometric relations, Proceedings of the Indian Academy of Sciences-A, 1940, Vol.12, p83-92
213.        Raman, C.V.; Nilakantan, P., Reflection of X-rays with change of frequency. Part IV. Rock salt, Proceedings of the Indian Academy of Sciences-A, 1940, Vol.12, p141-156
214.        Raman, C.V.; Nagendra Nath, N.S., The two types of X-ray reflection in crystals, Proceedings of the Indian Academy of Sciences-A, 1940, Vol.12, p427-439


215.        Raman, C.V.; Rajagopalan, V.S.; Nedungadi, T.M.K., Conical refraction in naphthalene crystals, Nature, 1941, Vol.147, p268
216.        Raman, C.V.; Nilakantan, P., The quantum theory of X-ray reflection, Current Science, 1941, Vol. 10, p241-245
217.        Raman, C.V., X-rays, crystals and the infrared spectrum, 1941, Current Science, Vol. 10, p473-475
218.        Raman, C.V., Atomic vibrations in crystals, Current Science, 1941, Vol. 10, p515-517
219.        Raman, C.V., Crystals and photons, Proceedings of the Indian Academy of Sciences-A, 1941, Vol.13, p1-8
220.        Raman, C.V.; Rajagopalan, V.S.; Nedungadi, T.M.K., Conical refraction in naphthalene crystals, Proceedings of the Indian Academy of Sciences-A, 1941, Vol.14, p221-227
221.        Raman, C.V., New methods in the study of light scattering - Part I. Basic ideas, Proceedings of the Indian Academy of Sciences-A, 1941, Vol.14, p228-234
222.        Raman, C.V., The quantum theory of X-ray reflection: Basic ideas, Proceedings of the Indian Academy of Sciences-A, 1941, Vol.14, p317-331
223.        Raman, C.V., Quantum theory of X-ray reflection: Mathematical formulation, Proceedings of the Indian Academy of Sciences-A, 1941, Vol.14, p332-355
224.        Raman, C.V.; Nilakantan, P., Quantum theory of X-ray reflection: Experimental confirmation, Proceedings of the Indian Academy of Sciences-A, 1941, Vol.14, p356-376


225.        Raman, C.V., Reflexion and scattering of X-rays with change of frequency - Part I. Theoretical, Proceedings of the Royal Society of London A, 1942, Vol.179, p289-301
226.        Raman, C.V., Reflexion and scattering of X-rays with change of frequency - Part II. Experimental, Proceedings of the Royal Society of London - A, 1942, Vol.179, p302-314
227.        Raman, C.V., The phenomena of conical refraction, Current Science, 1942, Vol.11, p44-46
228.        Raman, C.V., Sir William Henry Bragg, O.M., F.R.S., Current Science, 1942, Vol. 11, p93-95
229.        Raman, C.V., Spectroscopic investigation of the solid and liquid states, Current Science, 1942, Vol.11, p225-227
230.        Raman, C.V., The physics of the diamond, Current Science, 1942, Vol.11, p261-268
231.        Raman, C.V., The nature of the liquid state, Current Science, 1942, Vol.11, p303-310
232.        Raman, C.V., Newton and the history of optics, Current Science, 1942, Vol.11, p453-455
233.        Raman, C.V., New concepts of the solid state, Proceedings of the Indian Academy of Sciences-A, 1942, Vol.15, p65-72


234.        Raman, C.V., The structure and properties of diamond, Current Science, 1943, Vol.12, p33-42
235.        Raman, C.V., Astronomical research in India: I, Current Science, 1943, Vol.12, p197-198
236.        Raman, C.V., Astronomical research in India: II., Current Science, 1943, Vol.12, p289-291
237.        Raman, C.V., Astronomical research in India: III., Current Science, 1943, Vol.12, p313-314
238.        Raman, C.V., The fundamentals of crystal physics, Current Science, 1943, Vol. 12, p342-344
239.        Raman, C.V., The vibration spectrum of a crystal lattice, Proceedings of the Indian Academy of Sciences-A, 1943, Vol.18, p237-250


240.        Raman, C.V., Scientific researches, Annals of the American Academy of Political & Social Sciences, 1944, Vol.233, p39-45
241.        Raman, C.V., The four forms of diamond, Current Science, 1944, Vol.13, p145-148
242.        Raman, C.V., The Indian Academy of Sciences, Current Science, 1944, Vol. 13, p295-296
243.        Raman, C.V., The crystal symmetry and structure of diamond, Proceedings of the Indian Academy of Sciences-A, 1944, Vol.19, p189-198
244.        Raman, C.V., The nature and origin of the luminescence of diamond, Proceedings of the Indian Academy of Sciences-A, 1944, Vol.19, p199-215
245.        Raman, C.V.; Rendall, G.R., Birefringence patterns of diamond, Proceedings of the Indian Academy of Sciences-A, 1944, Vol.19, p265-273


246.        Raman, C.V., Scattering of light in crystals, Nature, 1945, Vol.155, p396-397
247.        Raman, C.V., Centenary of the Faraday effect, Current Science, 1945, Vol.14, p281-283


248.        Raman, C.V.; Ramaseshan, S., The crystal forms of diamond and their significance, Proceedings of the Indian Academy of Sciences-A, 1946, Vol.24, p1-24
249.        Raman, C.V., The diamond and its teachings, Current Science, 1946, Vol.15, p205-213
250.        Raman, C.V., New concepts of crystal structure, Current Science, 1946, Vol.15, p329-331


251.        Raman, C.V., Books that have influenced me, Symposium on books that have influenced me, 1947, G. A. Natesan & Co. Madras
252.        Raman, C.V., Scientific research in Asia, Asian Relations Conference, March-April 1947, New Delhi: Indian Council of World Affairs, 1947.
253.        Raman, C.V., New paths of crystal physics, Current Science, 1947, Vol.16, p67-70
254.        Raman, C.V., The Infra-red spectrum, Current Science, 1947, Vol.16, p359-366
255.        Raman, C.V., The vibration spectra of crystals. Part I. Basic theory, Proceedings of the Indian Academy of Sciences-A, 1947, Vol.26, p339-355
256.        Raman, C.V., The vibration spectra of crystals. Part II. The case of diamond, Proceedings of the Indian Academy of Sciences-A, 1947, Vol.26, p356-369
257.        Raman, C.V., The vibration spectra of crystals. Part III. Rocksalt, Proceedings of the Indian Academy of Sciences-A, 1947, Vol.26, p370-383
258.        Raman, C.V., The vibration spectra of crystals. Part IV. Magnesium oxide, Proceedings of the Indian Academy of Sciences-A, 1947, Vol.26, p383-390
259.        Raman, C.V., The vibration spectra of crystals. Part V. Lithium and sodium fluorides, Proceedings of the Indian Academy of Sciences-A, 1947, Vol.26, p391-395
260.        Raman, C.V., The vibration spectra of crystals. Part VI. Sylvine, Proceedings of the Indian Academy of Sciences-A, 1947, Vol.26, p396-398


261.        Raman, C.V., The Eigen vibrations of crystal structures, Current Science, 1948, Vol.17, p1-11
262.        Raman, C.V., Dynamic X-ray reflections in crystals, Current Science, 1948, Vol.17, p65-75
263.        C. V. Raman, Diamonds in industry, Current Science, 1948, Vol. 17, p258


264.        Raman, C.V., Obituary - Professor Birbal Sahni, M.A., D.Sc., Sc.D., F.R.S. 1891-1949, Current Science, 1949, Vol. 18, p158
265.        Raman, C.V., The structure of our universe, The Deccan Herald, 16th January, 1949
266.        Raman, C.V.; Ramaseshan, S., The Christiansen experiment with spherical particles, Proceedings of the Indian Academy of Sciences-A, 1949, Vol.30, p211-215
267.        Raman, C.V.; Ramaseshan, S., Diffraction of light by transparent spheres and spheroids: The Fresnel patterns, Proceedings of the Indian Academy of Sciences-A, 1949, Vol.30, p277-283
268.        Raman, C.V., The theory of the Christiansen experiment, Proceedings of the Indian Academy of Sciences-A, 1949, Vol.29, p381-390


269.        Raman, C.V., The iridescent feldspars, Current Science, 1950, Vol.19, p301-305
270.        Raman, C.V., The luminescence of diamond-I, Current Science, 1950, Vol.19, p357-363
271.        Raman, C.V., The optical anisotropy and heterogeneity of vitreous silica, Proceedings of the Indian Academy of Sciences-A, 1950, Vol.31, p141-148
272.        Raman, C.V., Structural birefringence in amorphous solids, Proceedings of the Indian Academy of Sciences-A, 1950, Vol.31, p207-212
273.        Raman, C.V., Crystals of quartz with iridescent faces, Proceedings of the Indian Academy of Sciences-A, 1950, Vol.31, p275-279
274.        Raman, C.V., The lamellar structure and birefringence of plate glass, Proceedings of the Indian Academy of Sciences-A, 1950, Vol.31, p359-364
275.        Raman, C.V.; Jayaraman, A., The structure of labradorite and the origin of its iridescence, Proceedings of the Indian Academy of Sciences-A, 1950, Vol.32, p1-16
276.        Raman, C.V.; Jayaraman, A., The luminescence of diamond and its relation to crystal structure, Proceedings of the Indian Academy of Sciences-A, 1950, Vol.32, p65-73
277.        Raman, C.V.; Jayaraman, A.; Srinivasan, T.K., The structure and optical behaviour of Ceylon moonstones, Proceedings of the Indian Academy of Sciences-A, 1950, Vol.32, p123-140


278.        Raman, C.V., The luminescence of diamond-II, Current Science, 1951, Vol.20, p1-7
279.        Raman, C.V., The luminescence of diamond-III, Current Science, 1951, Vol.20, p27-33
280.        Raman, C.V., The luminescence of diamond-IV, Current Science, 1951, Vol.20, p55-60
281.        Raman, C.V., The scattering of light in crystals and the nature of their vibration spectra, Proceedings of the Indian Academy of Sciences-A, 1951, Vol.34, p61-71
282.        Raman, C.V., The vibration spectra of crystals and the theory of their specific heats, Proceedings of the Indian Academy of Sciences-A, 1951, Vol.34, p141-151


283.        Raman, C.V., Freedom for the individual, The Indian Express, 1952
284.        Raman, C.V.; Krishnamurti, D., On the iridescence of potassium chlorate crystals. Part I: Its spectral characters, Proceedings of the Indian Academy of Sciences-A, 1952, Vol.36, p315-320
285.        Raman, C.V.; Krishnamurti, D., On the iridescence of potassium chlorate crystals. Part II: Polarization effects, Proceedings of the Indian Academy of Sciences-A, 1952, Vol.36, p321-329
286.        Raman, C.V.; Krishnamurti, D., On the iridescence of potassium chlorate crystals. Part III: Some general observations, Proceedings of the Indian Academy of Sciences-A, 1952, Vol.36, p330-334
287.        Raman, C.V.; Krishnamurti, D., On the polarization of spectral character of the iridescence of potassium chlorate crystals,  Proceedings of the Indian Academy of Sciences-A, 1952, Vol.36, p419-424


288.        Raman, C.V.; Bhat, M.R., The Christiansen experiment, Current Science, 1953, Vol.22, p31-33
289.        Raman, C.V., The origin of colours in precious opal, Current Science, 1953, Vol. 22, p355-358
290.        Raman, C.V.; Jayaraman, A., The diffusion haloes of the iridescent feldspars, Proceedings of the Indian Academy of Sciences-A, 1953, Vol.37, p1-10
291.        Raman, C.V.; Jayaraman, A., The structure of opal and the origin of its iridescence, Proceedings of the Indian Academy of Sciences-A, 1953, Vol.38, p101-108
292.        Raman, C.V.; Jayaraman, A., The structure and optical behaviour of iridescent agate, Proceedings of the Indian Academy of Sciences-A, 1953, Vol.38, p199-206
293.        Raman, C.V.; Krishnamurti, D., The structure and optical behaviour of iridescent crystals of potassium chlorate, Proceedings of the Indian Academy of Sciences-A, 1953, Vol.38, p261-270
294.        Raman, C.V.; Jayaraman, A., The structure and optical behaviour of iridescent opal, Proceedings of the Indian Academy of Sciences-A, 1953, Vol.38, p343-354


295.        Raman, C.V.; Krishnamurti, D., The structure and optical behaviour of iridescent shells, Proceedings of the Indian Academy of Sciences-A, 1954, Vol.39, p1-13
296.        Raman, C.V.; Bhat, M.R., The structure and optical behaviour of some natural and synthetic fibres, Proceedings of the Indian Academy of Sciences-A, 1954, Vol.39, p109-116
297.        Raman, C.V.; Ramdas, A.K., On the polycrystalline forms of gypsum and their optical behaviour, Proceedings of the Indian Academy of Sciences-A, 1954, Vol.39, p153-161
298.        Raman, C.V.; Krishnamurti, D., The structure and optical behaviour of pearls, Proceedings of the Indian Academy of Sciences-A, 1954, Vol.39, p215-222
299.        Raman, C.V.; Krishnamurti, D., On the chromatic diffusion halo and other optical effects exhibited by pearls, Proceedings of the Indian Academy of Sciences-A, 1954, Vol.39, p265-271
300.        Raman, C.V.; Ramdas, A.K., The structure and optical behaviour of iridescent calcite, Proceedings of the Indian Academy of Sciences-A, 1954, Vol.40, p1-7
301.        Raman, C.V.; Jayaraman, A., X-ray studies of polycrystalline gypsum, Proceedings of the Indian Academy of Sciences-A, 1954, Vol.40, p57-60
302.        Raman, C.V.; Jayaraman, D., X-ray study of fibrous quartz, Proceedings of the Indian Academy of Sciences-A, 1954, Vol.40, p107-109
303.        Raman, C.V.; Jayaraman, A., The structure of amethyst quartz and the origin of its pleochroism, Proceedings of the Indian Academy of Sciences-A, 1954, Vol.40, p189-195
304.        Raman, C.V.; Jayaraman, A., On the structure of amethyst and its genesis in nature, Proceedings of the Indian Academy of Sciences-A, 1954, Vol.40, p221-229
305.        Raman, C.V.; Jayaraman, A., On the optical behaviour of crypto-crystalline quartz, Proceedings of the Indian Academy of Sciences-A, 1954, Vol.41, p1-6
306.        Raman, C.V., Amethyst: Its nature and origin, Current Science, 1954, Vol.23, p379-383
307.        Raman, C.V.; Krishnamurti, D., Optics of the pearl, Current Science, 1954, Vol.23, p173-176


308.        Raman, C.V., The elasticity of crystals, Current Science, 1955, Vol.24, p325-328
309.        Raman, C.V., The thermal energy of crystals, Current Science, 1955, Vol.24, p357-361
310.        Raman, C.V., X-rays and crystals, Current Science, 1955, Vol.24, p395-398
311.        Raman, C.V.; Viswanathan, K.S., The theory of the propagation of light in polycrystalline media, Proceedings of the Indian Academy of Sciences-A, 1955, Vol.41, p37-44
312.        Raman, C.V.; Viswanathan, K.S., A generalized theory of the Christiansen experiment, Proceedings of the Indian Academy of Sciences-A, 1955, Vol.41, p55-60
313.        Raman, C.V.; Bhat, M.R., The Christiansen experiment with birefringent powders, Proceedings of the Indian Academy of Sciences-A, 1955, Vol.41, p61-66
314.        Raman, C.V.; Jayaraman, A., The structure and optical behaviour of jadeite, Proceedings of the Indian Academy of Sciences-A, 1955, Vol.41, p117-120
315.        Raman, C.V.; Viswanathan, K.S., The elastic behaviour of isotropic solids, Proceedings of the Indian Academy of Sciences-A, 1955, Vol.42, p1-9
316.        Raman, C.V.; Viswanathan, K.S., On the theory of the elasticity of crystals, Proceedings of the Indian Academy of Sciences-A, 1955, Vol.42, p51-70
317.        Raman, C.V.; Krishnamurti, D., Evaluation of the four elastic constants of some cubic crystals, Proceedings of the Indian Academy of Sciences-A, 1955, Vol.42, p111-130
318.        Raman, C.V., The nature of thermal agitation in crystals, Proceedings of the Indian Academy of Sciences-A, 1955, Vol.42, p163-174


319.        Raman, C.V., Quantum theory and crystal physics, Current Science, 1955, Vol.25, p377-381
320.        Raman, C.V., The birefringence patterns of crystal spheres, Proceedings of the Indian Academy of Sciences-A, 1956, Vol.43, p1-3
321.        Raman, C.V., The physics of crystals, Proceedings of the Indian Academy of Sciences-A, 1956, Vol.43, p327-335
322.        Raman, C.V., The diamond, Proceedings of the Indian Academy of Sciences-A, 1956, Vol.44, p99-110
323.        Raman, C.V., The specific heats of crystals. Part I. General theory, Proceedings of the Indian Academy of Sciences-A, 1956, Vol.44, p153-159
324.        Raman, C.V., The specific heats of crystals. Part II. The case of diamond, Proceedings of the Indian Academy of Sciences-A, 1956, Vol.44, p160-164
325.        Raman, C.V., Quantum theory and crystal physics, Proceedings of the Indian Academy of Sciences-A, 1956, Vol.44, p361-366
326.        Raman, C.V., The specific heats of crystals. Part III. Analysis of the experimental data, Proceedings of the Indian Academy of Sciences-A, 1956, Vol.44, p367-374


327.        Raman, C.V., The optical behaviour of polycrystalline solids, Journal of Madras Universtiy, 1957, Vol.27, p1-7
328.        Raman, C.V., The specific heats of crystalline solids: Part I., Current Science, 1957, Vol.26, p195-198
329.        Raman, C.V., The specific heats of crystalline solids: Part II, Current Science, 1957, Vol.26, p231-234
330.        Raman, C.V., The specific heats of some metallic elements. Part I. Analysis of the experimental data, Proceedings of the Indian Academy of Sciences-A, 1957, Vol.45, p1-6
331.        Raman, C.V., The specific heats of some metallic elements. Part II. Approximate theoretical evaluation, Proceedings of the Indian Academy of Sciences-A, 1957, Vol.45, p7-14
332.        Raman, C.V., The specific heats of some metallic elements. Part III. The characteristic frequencies, Proceedings of the Indian Academy of Sciences-A, 1957, Vol.45, p59-64
333.        Raman, C.V., The specific heats of some metallic elements. Part IV. The residual spectrum, Proceedings of the Indian Academy of Sciences-A, 1957, Vol.45, p139-146
334.        Raman, C.V., The specific heats of crystals and the fallacy of the theories of Debye and Born, Proceedings of the Indian Academy of Sciences-A, 1957, Vol.45, p273-280
335.        Raman, C.V., The heat capacity of diamond between 0 and 1000 oK, Proceedings of the Indian Academy of Sciences-A, 1957, Vol.46, p323-332
336.        Raman, C.V., The tetrahedral carbon atom and the structure of diamond, Proceedings of the Indian Academy of Sciences-A, 1957, Vol.46, p391-398


337.        Raman, C.V., Science in Eastern Europe: I., Current Science, 1958, Vol.27, p371-375
338.        Raman, C.V., Science in eastern Europe: II., Current Science, 1958, Vol.27, p421-426
339.        Raman, C.V., The diffraction of X-rays by diamond: Part I., Proceedings of the Indian Academy of Sciences-A, 1958, Vol.47, p263-275
340.        Raman, C.V., The diffraction of X-rays by diamond: Part II., Proceedings of the Indian Academy of Sciences-A, 1958, Vol.47, p335-343
341.        Raman, C.V., The diffraction of X-rays by diamond: Part III., Proceedings of the Indian Academy of Sciences-A, 1958, Vol.48, p1-8
342.        Raman, C.V., Percussion figures in crystals, Proceedings of the Indian Academy of Sciences-A, 1958, Vol.48, p307-316


343.        Raman, C.V., Percussion figures in crystals, Current Science, 1959, Vol.28, p1-3
344.        Raman, C.V., The principle of Huyghens and the diffraction of light, Current Science, 1959, Vol.28, p267-270
345.        Raman, C.V., Light, colour and vision, Current Science, 1959, Vol.28, p429-433
346.        Raman, C.V., Christiaan Huyghens and the wave theory of light, Proceedings of the Indian Academy of Sciences-A, 1959, Vol.49, p185-192
347.        Raman, C.V.; Pancharatnam, S., The optics of mirages, Proceedings of the Indian Academy of Sciences-A, 1959, Vol.49, p251-261
348.        Raman, C.V., Lectures on physical optics, Part I (Sayaji Rao Gaekwar Foundation Lectures), Lectures on Physical Optics (Sayaji Rao Gaekwar Foundation lectures), Bangalore: IASc., 1959, p160


349.        Raman, C.V., On the sensations of colour and the nature of the visual mechanism, Current Science, 1960, Vol.29, p1-6
350.        Raman, C.V., The perception of light and colour and the physiology of vision. Part I: The mechanism of perception, Proceedings of the Indian Academy of Sciences-A, 1960, Vol.52, p255-266
351.        Raman, C.V., The perception of light and colour and the physiology of vision. Part II: The visual pigments, Proceedings of the Indian Academy of Sciences-A, 1960, Vol.52, p267-280
352.        Raman, C.V., The perception of light and colour and the physiology of vision. Part III: The carotenoid pigment, Proceedings of the Indian Academy of Sciences-A, 1960, Vol.52, p281-291
353.        Raman, C.V., The perception of light and colour and the physiology of vision. Part IV: Ferroheme and ferriheme, Proceedings of the Indian Academy of Sciences-A, 1960, Vol.52, p292-304
354.        Raman, C.V., The perception of light and colour and the physiology of vision, Part V: The colour triangle, Proceedings of the Indian Academy of Sciences-A, 1960, Vol.52, p305-313
355.        Raman, C.V., The perception of light and colour and the physiology of vision. Part VI: Defective colour vision, Proceedings of the Indian Academy of Sciences-A, 1960, Vol.52, p314-323
356.        Raman, C.V., The perception of light and colour and the physiology of vision. Part VII: General summary, Proceedings of the Indian Academy of Sciences-A, 1960, Vol.52, p324-328


357.        Raman, C.V., The diamond, Gandhi Memorial Lecture, 1961, p.1-17
358.        Raman, C.V., The vibrations of the MgO crystal structure and its infra-red absorption spectrum. Part I. The results of experimental study, Proceedings of the Indian Academy of Sciences-A, 1961, Vol.54, p205-222
359.        Raman, C.V., The vibrations of the MgO crystal structure and its infra-red absorption spectrum. Part II. Dynamical theory, Proceedings of the Indian Academy of Sciences-A, 1961, Vol.54, p223-232
360.        Raman, C.V., The vibrations of the MgO crystal structure and its infra-red absorption spectrum. Part III. Comparison of theory and experiment, Proceedings of the Indian Academy of Sciences-A, 1961, Vol.54, p233-243
361.        Raman, C.V., The vibrations of the MgO crystal structure and its infra-red absorption spectrum. Part IV. Evaluation of its specific heat, Proceedings of the Indian Academy of Sciences-A, 1961, Vol.54, p244-252
362.        Raman, C.V., The spectroscopic behaviour of rock-salt and the evaluation of its specific heat. Part I. The structure and its free vibrations, Proceedings of the Indian Academy of Sciences-A, 1961, Vol.54, p253-265
363.        Raman, C.V., The spectroscopic behaviour of rock-salt and the evaluation of its specific heat. Part II. Its infra-red activity, Proceedings of the Indian Academy of Sciences-A, 1961, Vol.54, p266-280
364.        Raman, C.V., The spectroscopic behaviour of rock-salt and the evaluation of its specific heat. Part III. The spectrum of light scattering, Proceedings of the Indian Academy of Sciences-A, 1961, Vol.54, p281-293
365.        Raman, C.V., The spectroscopic behaviour of rock-salt and the evaluation of its specific heat. Part IV. Specific heat and spectral frequencies, Proceedings of the Indian Academy of Sciences-A, 1961, Vol.54, p294-304


366.        Raman, C.V., The role of the retina in vision, Current Science, 1962, Vol.31, p315-320
367.        Raman, C.V., The luminescence of fluorspar, Current Science, 1962, Vol.31, p361-365
368.        Raman, C.V., The infra-red behaviour of diamond, Current Science, 1962, Vol.31, p403-407
369.        Raman, C.V., The two species of fluorite, Current Science, 1962, Vol.31, p445-448
370.        Raman, C.V., Light, colour and vision, Current Science, 1962, Vol.31, p489-490
371.        Raman, C.V., Optics in India: The spectroscopic behavior of rock salt, Applied Optics, 1962, Vol.1, p222-226
372.        Raman, C.V., The infra-red absorption by diamond and its significance Part I. Materials and methods, Proceedings of the Indian Academy of Sciences-A, 1962, Vol.55, p1-4
373.        Raman, C.V., The infra-red absorption by diamond and its significance Part II. A general survey of the results, Proceedings of the Indian Academy of Sciences-A, 1962, Vol.55, p5-9
374.        Raman, C.V., The infra-red absorption by diamond and its significance Part III. The perfect diamonds and their spectral behaviour, Proceedings of the Indian Academy of Sciences-A, 1962, Vol.55, p10-13
375.        Raman, C.V., The infra-red absorption by diamond and its significance Part IV. The non-luminescent diamonds, Proceedings of the Indian Academy of Sciences-A, 1962, Vol.55, p114-19
378.        Raman, C.V., The infra-red absorption by diamond and its significance Part V. The composite diamonds, Proceedings of the Indian Academy of Sciences-A, 1962, Vol.55, p20-23
379.        Raman, C.V., The infra-red absorption by diamond and its significance Part VI. The free vibrations of the structure, Proceedings of the Indian Academy of Sciences-A, 1962, Vol.55, p24-29
380.        Raman, C.V., The infra-red absorption by diamond and its significance Part VII. The characteristic frequencies, Proceedings of the Indian Academy of Sciences-A, 1962, Vol.55, p30-35
381.        Raman, C.V., The infra-red absorption by diamond and its significance Part VIII. Dynamical theory, Proceedings of the Indian Academy of Sciences-A, 1962, Vol.55, p36-41
382.        Raman, C.V., The infra-red absorption by diamond and its significance Part IX. The activity of the natural modes, Proceedings of the Indian Academy of Sciences-A, 1962, Vol.55, p42-48
383.        Raman, C.V., The infra-red absorption by diamond and its significance Part X. Evaluation of the specific heat, Proceedings of the Indian Academy of Sciences-A, 1962, Vol.55, p49-61
384.        Raman, C.V., The vibration spectrum of lithium fluoride and the evaluation of its specific heat, Proceedings of the Indian Academy of Sciences-A, 1962, Vol.55, p131-152
385.        Raman, C.V., The specific heats of alkali halides and their spectroscopic behaviour Part I. Introduction, Proceedings of the Indian Academy of Sciences-A, 1962, Vol.56, p1-5
386.        Raman, C.V., The specific heats of alkali halides and their spectroscopic behaviour Part II. The free modes of atomic vibration, Proceedings of the Indian Academy of Sciences-A, 1962, Vol.56, p6-10
387.        Raman, C.V., The specific heats of alkali halides and their spectroscopic behaviour Part III. The interatomic forces, Proceedings of the Indian Academy of Sciences-A, 1961, Vol.56, p11-14
388.        Raman, C.V., The specific heats of alkali halides and their spectroscopic behaviour Part IV. The equations of motion, Proceedings of the Indian Academy of Sciences-A, 1962, Vol.56, p15-19
389.        Raman, C.V., The specific heats of alkali halides and their spectroscopic behaviour Part V. The evaluation of the frequencies, Proceedings of the Indian Academy of Sciences-A, 1962, Vol.56, p20-24
390.        Raman, C.V., The specific heats of alkali halides and their spectroscopic behaviour Part VI. The atomic vibration spectra, Proceedings of the Indian Academy of Sciences-A, 1962, Vol.56, p25-29
391.        Raman, C.V., The specific heats of alkali halides and their spectroscopic behaviour Part VII. Evaluation of the specific heats, Proceedings of the Indian Academy of Sciences-A, 1962, Vol.56, p30-33
392.        Raman, C.V., The specific heats of alkali halides and their spectroscopic behaviour Part VIII. Their infra-red activity, Proceedings of the Indian Academy of Sciences-A, 1962, Vol.56, p34-39
393.        Raman, C.V., The specific heats of alkali halides and their spectroscopic behaviour Part IX. Spectral shifts in light scattering, Proceedings of the Indian Academy of Sciences-A, 1962, Vol.56, p40-44
394.        Raman, C.V., The specific heats of alkali halides and their spectroscopic behaviour Part X. The lithium salts, Proceedings of the Indian Academy of Sciences-A, 1962, Vol.56, p45-51
395.        Raman, C.V., The specific heats of alkali halides and their spectroscopic behaviour Part XI. The sodium salts, Proceedings of the Indian Academy of Sciences-A, 1962, Vol.56, p52-59
396.        Raman, C.V., The specific heats of alkali halides and their spectroscopic behaviour Part XII. The potassium and rubidium salts, Proceedings of the Indian Academy of Sciences-A, 1962, Vol.56, p60-69
397.        Raman, C.V., The infra-red behaviour of sodium fluoride, Proceedings of the Indian Academy of Sciences-A, 1962, Vol.56, p223-232
398.        Raman, C.V., The dynamics of the fluorite structure and its infra-red behaviour Part I. Introduction, Proceedings of the Indian Academy of Sciences-A, 1962, Vol.56, p291-293
399.        Raman, C.V., The dynamics of the fluorite structure and its infra-red behaviour Part II. The free modes of vibration, Proceedings of the Indian Academy of Sciences-A, 1962, Vol.56, p294-300
400.        Raman, C.V., The dynamics of the fluorite structure and its infra-red behaviour Part III. Activity of the normal modes, Proceedings of the Indian Academy of Sciences-A, 1962, Vol.56, p301-303
401.        Raman, C.V., The dynamics of the fluorite structure and its infra-red behaviour Part IV. The spectrophotometer records, Proceedings of the Indian Academy of Sciences-A, 1962, Vol.56, p304-311


402.        Raman, C.V., The infra-red behaviour of the alkali halides, Current Science, 1963, Vol.32, p1-6
403.        Raman, C.V., Floral colours and their spectral composition, Current Science, 1963, Vol.32, p147-151
404.        Raman, C.V., The trichromatic hypothesis, Current Science, 1963, Vol.32, p245-247
405.        Raman, C.V., Floral colours and the physiology of vision, Current Science, 1963, Vol.32, p293-296
406.        Raman, C.V., The green colour of vegetation, Current Science, 1963, Vol.32, p341-344
407.        Raman, C.V, The visual pigments and their location in the retina. Current Science, 1963, Vol.32, p389-394
408.        Raman, C.V., The colours of gemstones, Current Science, 1963, Vol.32, p437-440
409.        Raman, C.V., Visual acuity and its variations, Current Science, 1963, Vol.32, p531-534
410.        Raman, C.V., Spectroscopic evaluation of the specific heats of potassium bromide, Proceedings of the Indian Academy of Sciences-A, 1963, Vol.57, p1-12
411.        Raman, C.V., Floral colours and the physiology of vision Part I. Introductory, Proceedings of the Indian Academy of Sciences-A, 1963, Vol.58, p57-61
412.        Raman, C.V., Floral colours and the physiology of vision - Part II. The green colour of leaves, Proceedings of the Indian Academy of Sciences-A, 1963, Vol.58, p62-66
413.        Raman, C.V., Floral colours and the physiology of vision - Part III. The spectrum of the Morning Glory, Proceedings of the Indian Academy of Sciences - A, 1963, Vol.58, p67-69
414.        Raman, C.V., Floral colours and the physiology of vision - Part IV. The queen of flowers, Proceedings of the Indian Academy of Sciences-A, 1963, Vol.58, p70-72
415.        Raman, C.V., Floral colours and the physiology of vision - Part V. The blue of the Jacaranda, Proceedings of the Indian Academy of Sciences-A, 1963, Vol.58, p73-75
416.        Raman, C.V., Floral colours and the physiology of vision - Part VI. Comparative study of three cases, Proceedings of the Indian Academy of Sciences-A, 1963, Vol.58, p76-80
417.        Raman, C.V., Floral colours and the physiology of vision - Part VII. The Aster and its varied colours, Proceedings of the Indian Academy of Sciences-A, 1963, Vol.58, p81-83
418.        Raman, C.V., Floral colours and the physiology of vision - Part VIII. The spectra of the roses, Proceedings of the Indian Academy of Sciences-A, 1963, Vol.58, p84-86
419.        Raman, C.V., Floral colours and the physiology of vision - Part IX. Hibiscus and Bougainvillea, Proceedings of the Indian Academy of Sciences-A, 1963, Vol.58, p87-91
420.        Raman, C.V., Floral colours and the physiology of vision - Part X. Flowers exhibiting band spectra, Proceedings of the Indian Academy of Sciences-A, 1963, Vol.58, p92-95
421.        Raman, C.V., Floral colours and the physiology of vision - Part XI. Review of the results, Proceedings of the Indian Academy of Sciences-A, 1963, Vol.58, p96-105
422.        Raman, C.V., Floral colours and the physiology of vision Part XII. Some concluding remarks, Proceedings of the Indian Academy of Sciences-A, 1963, Vol.58, p106-108


423.        Raman, C.V., Fluctuations of luminosity in visual fields, Current Science, 1964, Vol.33, p65-66
424.        Raman, C.V., The visual synthesis of colour, Current Science, 1964, Vol.33, p97-101
425.        Raman, C.V., Stars, nebulae and the physiology of vision, Current Science, 1964, Vol.33, p293-296
426.        Raman, C.V., The scintillation of the stars, Current Science, 1964, Vol.33, p355-360
427.        Raman, C.V., The new physiology of vision - Chapter I. Introductory, Proceedings of the Indian Academy of Sciences-A, 1964, Vol.60, p139-142
428.        Raman, C.V., The new physiology of vision - Chapter II. Visual sensations and the nature of light, Proceedings of the Indian Academy of Sciences-A, 1964, Vol.60, p143-146
429.        Raman, C.V., The new physiology of vision - Chapter III. Corpuscles of light and the perception of luminosity, Proceedings of the Indian Academy of Sciences-A, 1964, Vol.60, p211-218
430.        Raman, C.V., The new physiology of vision - Chapter IV. Corpuscles of light and the perception of form, Proceedings of the Indian Academy of Sciences-A, 1964, Vol.60, p287-291
431.        Raman, C.V., The new physiology of vision - Chapter V. Corpuscles of light and the perception of colour, Proceedings of the Indian Academy of Sciences-A, 1964, Vol.60, p292-296
432.        Raman, C.V., The new physiology of vision - Chapter VI. Vision in dim light, Proceedings of the Indian Academy of Sciences-A, 1964, Vol.60, p369-374
433.        Raman, C.V., The new physiology of vision - Chapter VII. The perception of colour in dim light, Proceedings of the Indian Academy of Sciences-A, 1964, Vol.60, p375-378


434.        Raman, C.V., The new physiology of vision - Chapter VIII. The perception of polarized light, Proceedings of the Indian Academy of Sciences-A, 1965, Vol.61, p1-6
435.        Raman, C.V., The new physiology of vision - Chapter IX. The structure of the fovea, Proceedings of the Indian Academy of Sciences-A, 1965, Vol.61, p7-11
436.        Raman, C.V., The new physiology of vision - Chapter X. The major visual pigments, Proceedings of the Indian Academy of Sciences-A, 1965, Vol.61, p57-64
437.        Raman, C.V., The new physiology of vision - Chapter XI. The carotenoid pigments, Proceedings of the Indian Academy of Sciences-A, 1965, Vol.61, p65-74
438.        Raman, C.V., The new physiology of vision - Chapter XII. Chromatic sensations at high luminosities, Proceedings of the Indian Academy of Sciences-A, 1965, Vol.61, p129-132
439.        Raman, C.V., The new physiology of vision - Chapter XIII. Blue, indigo and violet in the spectrum, Proceedings of the Indian Academy of Sciences-A, 1965, Vol.61, p133-138
440.        Raman, C.V., The new physiology of vision - Chapter XIV. The red end of the spectrum, Proceedings of the Indian Academy of Sciences-A, 1965, Vol.61, p187-192
441.        Raman, C.V., The new physiology of vision - Chapter XV. The chromatic responses of the retina, Proceedings of the Indian Academy of Sciences-A, 1965, Vol.61, p193-201
442.        Raman, C.V., The new physiology of vision - Chapter XVI. Further studies of the retinal responses, Proceedings of the Indian Academy of Sciences-A, 1965, Vol.61, p267-271
443.        Raman, C.V., The new physiology of vision - Chapter XVII. Location of visual pigments in the retina, Proceedings of the Indian Academy of Sciences-A, 1965, Vol.61, p335-339
444.        Raman, C.V., The new physiology of vision - Chapter XVIII. The visual synthesis of colour, Proceedings of the Indian Academy of Sciences-A, 1965, Vol.62, p1-9
445.        Raman, C.V., The new physiology of vision - Chapter XIX. Perception of colour and the trichromatic hypothesis, Proceedings of the Indian Academy of Sciences-A, 1965, Vol.62, p10-16
446.        Raman, C.V., The new physiology of vision - Chapter XX. Superposition and masking of colours, Proceedings of the Indian Academy of Sciences-A, 1965, Vol.62, p67-72
447.        Raman, C.V., The new physiology of vision - Chapter XXI. The green colour of vegetation, Proceedings of the Indian Academy of Sciences-A, 1965, Vol.62, p73-77
448.        Raman, C.V., The new physiology of vision - Chapter XXII. The colours of flowers, Proceedings of the Indian Academy of Sciences-A, 1965, Vol.62, p125-138
449.        Raman, C.V., The new physiology of vision - Chapter XXIII. The colours of the roses, Proceedings of the Indian Academy of Sciences-A, 1965, Vol.62, p133-138
450.        Raman, C.V., The new physiology of vision - Chapter XXIV. Floral pigments and the perception of colour, Proceedings of the Indian Academy of Sciences-A, 1965, Vol.62, p177-182
451.        Raman, C.V., The new physiology of vision - Chapter XXV. The colours of natural and synthetic gemstones, Proceedings of the Indian Academy of Sciences-A, 1965, Vol.62, p183-188
452.        Raman, C.V., The new physiology of vision - Chapter XXVI. Structural colours, Proceedings of the Indian Academy of Sciences-A, 1965, Vol.62, p237-242
453.        Raman, C.V., The new physiology of vision - Chapter XXVII. The colours of interference, Proceedings of the Indian Academy of Sciences-A, 1965, Vol.62, p243-248
454.        Raman, C.V., The new physiology of vision - Chapter XXVIII. Observations with a Neodymium filter, Proceedings of the Indian Academy of Sciences-A, 1965, Vol.62, p307-309
455.        Raman, C.V., The new physiology of vision - Chapter XXIX. The reproduction of colour, Proceedings of the Indian Academy of Sciences-A, 1965, Vol.62, p310-313


456.        Raman, C.V., The new physiology of vision - Chapter XXX. The photomechanical reproduction of colour, Proceedings of the Indian Academy of Sciences-A, 1966, Vol.63, p1-4
457.        Raman, C.V., The new physiology of vision - Chapter XXXI. The integration of colour by the retina, Proceedings of the Indian Academy of Sciences-A, 1966, Vol.63, p5-8
458.        Raman, C.V., The new physiology of vision - Chapter XXXII. Defects in colour vision, Proceedings of the Indian Academy of Sciences-A, 1966, Vol.63, p65-70
459.        Raman, C.V., The new physiology of vision - Chapter XXXIII. The testing of colour vision, Proceedings of the Indian Academy of Sciences-A, 1966, Vol.63, p71-74
460.        Raman, C.V., The new physiology of vision - Chapter XXXIV. The nature and origin of defects in colour vision, Proceedings of the Indian Academy of Sciences-A, 1966, Vol.63, p133-137
461.        Raman, C.V., The new physiology of vision - Chapter XXXV. The faintest observable spectrum, Proceedings of the Indian Academy of Sciences-A, 1966, Vol.63, p138-144
462.        Raman, C.V., The new physiology of vision - Chapter XXXVI. The postulated duality of the retina, Proceedings of the Indian Academy of Sciences-A, 1966, Vol.63, p207-212
463.        Raman, C.V., The new physiology of vision - Chapter XXXVII. The spectrum of the night-sky, Proceedings of the Indian Academy of Sciences-A, 1966, Vol.63, p213-216
464.        Raman, C.V., The new physiology of vision - Chapter XXXVIII. The adaptation of vision to dim light, Proceedings of the Indian Academy of Sciences-A, 1966, Vol.63, p263-266
465.        Raman, C.V., The new physiology of vision - Chapter XXXIX. Daltonian colour vision, Proceedings of the Indian Academy of Sciences-A, 1966, Vol.63, p267-274
466.        Raman, C.V., The new physiology of vision - Chapter XL. The colours of iolite, Proceedings of the Indian Academy of Sciences-A, 1966, Vol.63, p321-324
467.        Raman, C.V., The new physiology of vision - Chapter XLI. Photography in colour, Proceedings of the Indian Academy of Sciences-A, 1966, Vol.63, p325-328
468.        Raman, C.V., The new physiology of vision - Chapter XLII. Further observations with the Neodymium filter, Proceedings of the Indian Academy of Sciences-A, 1966, Vol.63, p329-332
469.        Raman, C.V., The new physiology of vision - Chapter XLIII. The colours of fluorspar, Proceedings of the Indian Academy of Sciences-A, 1966, Vol.63, p333-337


470.        Raman, C.V., Zonal winds and jet streams in the atmosphere, Current Science, 1967, Vol.36, p593-595


471.        Raman, C.V., Why the sky is blue., Prof. C.V.Raman's lecture, 1968, at the foundation stone-laying ceremony of the Community Science Centre, Ahmedabad.
472.        Raman, C.V., The atmosphere of the Earth, Current Science, 1968, Vol.37, p151-155
473.        Raman, C.V., The diamond: Its structure and properties, Proceedings of the Indian Academy of Sciences-A, 1968, Vol.67, p231-246
474.        Raman, C.V., The physiology of vision, Bangalore: IASc., 1968.


475.        Raman, C.V., Floral colours and their origin, Current Science, 1969, Vol.38, p179-186
476.        Raman, C.V., The florachromes: their constitution and optical behaviour, Current Science, 1969, Vol.38, p451-453
477.        Raman, C.V., The colours of roses, Current Science, 1969, Vol.38, p503-505
478.        Raman, C.V., Spectrophotometry of floral extracts, Current Science, 1969, Vol.38, p527-529
479.        Raman, C.V., Blue delphiniums and the purple bignonia, Current Science, 1969, Vol.38, p553-554
480.        Raman, C.V., The varied colours of verbena, Current Science, 1969, Vol.38, p579-580


481.        Raman, C.V., The pelargoniums, Current Science, 1970, Vol.39, p1-2
482.        Raman, C.V., The red oleander and the purple petrea, Current Science, 1970, Vol.39, p25-26


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59.          The Calcutta Municipal Gazette, 1931, Vol.14, No.6

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