Wednesday, 24 June 2020

মেঘনাদ সাহা - পর্ব ২৯

মেঘনাদ সাহার বই

1.           (With S. N. Bose) The principle of relativity (English               translation of Einstein's papers). Calcutta University.     1919.
2.           (With B. N. Srivastava) A textbook of heat    (including kinetic               theory of matter, thermodynamics, statistical mechanics and   theories of thermal ionization). Allahabad: Indian Press,              (published in 1931).

3.           (With N. K. Saha) A Treatise on Modern Physics, Atoms,         Molecules and Nuclei, Indian Press Limited, 1934.

4.           (With B. N. Srivastava) A Treatise on Heat (including kinetic theory of gases, thermodynamics,, and recent advances in         ststistical thermodynamics), Indian Press, 1935.

5.           My Experiences in Soviet Russia, Bookman, Calcutta, 1947.


মেঘনাদ সাহার গবেষণাপত্র




1.           On Maxwell's stresses. Phil. Mag. 33, 256. 1917.

2.           The limit of interference in the Fabry-Perot interferometer.      Phys. Rev. 10,782. 1917.



3.           On a new theorem in elasticity. J. Asiatic Soc. Bengal, New     Series 14, 421. 1918.

4.           (With S. Chakravarty) On the pressure of light. J. Asiatic         Soc. Bengal, New Series 14, 425. 1918.

5.           On the dynamics of the electron. Phil. Mag. 36, 76. 1918.
6.           (With S. N. Bose) On the influence of the finite volume of         molecules on the new equation of state. Phil. Mag. 36, 199. 1918.



7.           Relativity dynamics of the electron. Phys. Rev. 13, 34. 1919.

8.           Radiation pressure. Astrophys. J. 50,220. 1919.

9.           Relativity law of elcctrical action. Phil. Mag. 37, 347. 1919.



10.         On selcctive radiation pressure and problems of the solar        atmosphere. J. Dept Sci. Calcutta Univ. 2 (Physics), 51. 1920.

11.         Secondary spectrum of hydrogen. Phil. Mag. 40, 159. 1920.

12.         Ionization in the solar chromosphere. Phil. Mag. 40, 472. 1920.

13.         Elements in the sun. Phil. Mag. 40, 472, 809. 1920. 

14.         Problem of nova aquila III. J. Ind. Astr. Soc. (now defunct),    10, 36. 1920.



15.         Ionization in stellar atmosphere. Nature, Lond. 108,   131. 1921.

16.         Temperature radiation of gases. Phil. Mag. 41, 267. 1921.

17.         On electron-chemistry and its application to problems of          radiation and astrophysics. J. Asiatic Soc. Bengal, 3(Physics), 17. 1921.

18.         A physical theory of stellar spectra. Proc. Roy. Soc. A, 99,       135. 1921.
19.         Rubidium in the sun. Nature, Lond. 108, 291. 1921.

20.         Versuch einer Theorie der Physikalischen Erscheinungen bei   hohen Temperaturen, etc. Z. f. Physik. 6,40. 1921.

21.         The stationary H and K lines of calcium in stellar      atmospheres. Nature, Lond. 107, 488. 1921.

22.         The atomic radius and ionization potential. Nature, Lond. 107,               682. 1921.



23.         (With P. Gunther) Ionization of gases by heat. J. Dept Sci.       Calcutta Univ.4 (Physics), 1. 1922

24.         Temperature ionization of elements of the higher groups. Phil.               Mag. 44, 1128. 1922.



25.         On the physical properties of elements at high temperatures.    Phil. Mag. 46, 534. 1923.

26.         On continuous radiation from the sun. Nature, Lond. 112,       282. 1923.



27.         (With N. K. SUR) Thermal ionization. J. Ind. Chem. Soc. 1,     9. 1924.
28.         (With N. K. SUR) On an active modification of nitrogen. Phil.               Mag. 48, 421. 1924.

29.         The pressure in stellar reversing layer of stars and origin of    solar continuous radiation. Nature, Lond. 114, 155. 1924.



30.         Ionization of stellar atmospheres and the steric factor. Mon.    Not. R. Astr. Soc. 85, 977. 1925.

31.         Influence of radiation on ionization equilibrium. Nature,          Lond.               115, 377. 1925.

32.         The phase rule and its application to problems of       luminescence and ionization of gases. J. Ind. Chem. Soc.          2, 49. 1925.

33.         The spectrum of Si+ (once ionized silicon). Nature, Lond. 116,               644. 1925.



34.         (With R. K. SUR) On the absolute value of entropy. Phil.         Mag. 1, 279. 1926.

35.         (With R. K. SUR) Entropy of radiation. Phil. Mag. 1,               890. 1926.
36.         (With R. K. SUR) On the influence of radiation on ionization equilibrium. Phil. Mag. 1, 1025. 1926.

37.         On the explanation of complicated spectra of elements. Volta   Centenary Volume. 1926.

38.         Nitrogen in the sun. Nature, Lond. 117, 268. 1926.

39.         Application of subatomic thermodynamics to astrophysics.       Nature, Lond. 117, 672. 1926.

40.         (With N. K. SUR and K. MAJUMDER) Uber einen   experimentellen Nachweis der thermischen Ioniseirung der    Elemente. Z. f. Physik, 40, 648. 1926.



41.         (With B. B. RAY) Uber das Mainsmith-Stonersche Schema    des Aufbaus der Atome. Phys. Z. 28, 221. 1927. 

42.         Uber ein neues Schema fur den Automaufbau. Phys. Z. 28,       469. 1927.

43.         On the detailed explanation of spectra of metals of the second group. Phil. Mag. 3, 1265. 1927.

44.         (With P. K. KICHLU) On the explanation of spectra of metals               of group II. Phil. Mag. 4, 193. 1927.

45.         A note on the spectrum of neon. Phil. Mag. 4, 223, 231. 1927.



46.         (With P. K. KICHLU) Extension of the irregular Double Law.               Ind. J. Phys. 2, 319; 1928

47.         (With P. K. KICHLU) Extension of the irregular Double Law Nature, Lond. 121, 244. 1928.

48.         The origin of the spectrum of the solar corona. Nature, Lond. 121, 671. 1928.

49.         The origin of the nebulium spectrum. Nature, Lond. 121,          418. 1928.
50.         (With D. S. KOTHARI and G. R. TOSHNIWAL) Negatively   modified scattering. Nature, Lond. 122, 398. 1928.

51.         (With K. MAJUMDER.) On the method of horizontal               comparison in the location of spectra of elements. Ind. J. Phys.      3, 67. 1928.



52.         (With R. C. MAJUMDER.) On new methods in statistical        mcchanics. Phil. Mag. 9, 584. 1930.

53.         Colours of inorganic salts. Nature, Lond. 125, 163. 1930.



54.         (With A. C. BANERJEE) Uber die Verteilung der Intensitat    unter die Feinstruktur componenten der Serienlinien des           Wasserstoffs und des ionisierten nach der Diracschen Theorie.      Z. Physik. 68, 704. 1931.

55.         (With Y. BHARGAVA) The spin of the photon. Nature, Lond.               128, 870. 1931.

56.         (With R. K. SHARMA) Interpretation of X-ray term values.    Bull. Acad. Sci. U.P. 1, 119. 1931.

57.         (With S. C. DEB) Colours of inorganic salts. Bull Acad. Sci.   U.P. 1, 1. 1931.

58.         (With A. K. DUTTA.) Absorption spectra of saturated             chlorides of multivalent elements. Bull. Acad. Sci. U.P. 1,              19. 1931.

59.         Spectroscopy in the service of chemistry. Sir P. C. Ray             Seventieth Birthday Commemoration Volume of the Indian         Chemical Society. 1931.



60.         (With S. BHARGAVA and J. B. MUKERJIE) Complex X-ray               characteristic spectra. Nature, Lond. 129, 435. 1932.



61.         (With D. S. KOTHARI) A suggested explanation of ß-ray        activity. Nature, Lond. 132, 747. 1933.



62.         (With D. S. KOTHARI) On the ß-ray activity of radioactive    bodies. Proc. Acad. Sci. India, 3, 257. 1934.

63.         (WithJ. B. MUKERJIE) Inner conversion in X-ray spectra.      Nature, Lond. 133, 377. 1934.

64.         The upper atmosphere. Proc. Nat. Inst. Sci. India, 1,217-241.   1934.



65.         The origin of mass in neutrons and protons. Ind. J. Phys. 10,    141. 1936.
66.         (With L. S. MATHUR) Active nitrogen. Proc. Nat. Acad. Sci. India, 6, 120. 1936.

67.         Can electrons enter the nucleus? Sci. & Cul. 2, 273. 1936.

68.         (With AMARNATH TANDON) A new model demountable     vacuum furnace. Proc. Nat. Acad. Sci. India, 6, 212. 1936.



69.         Stratosphere solar observatory. Harvard Coll. Obs. Bull. No.   905, 1. 1937.

70.         Action of ultra-violet sunlight on the upper atmosphere. Proc. Roy. Soc. A, 160, 55. 1937.

71.         Molecules in interstellar space? Nature, Lond. 139,   840. 1937.



72.         (With R. N. RAI and K. B. MATHUR) On the propagation of               electromagnetic waves through the earth's atmosphere. Proc.   Mat. Inst. Sci. India, 4, 1,53. 1938.

73.         (With R. N. RAI) On the ionisation of the upper atmosphere.   Proc. Nat. Inst. Sci. India, 4, 3, 319. 1938.



74.         (With K. B. MATHUR.) Propagation and total reflection of               electromagnetic waves in in the ionosphere. Ind. J. Phys. 13,    1. 1939.



75.         (With S. C. SIRKAR and K. C. MUKHERJI) Structure of        atomic nuclei. Proc.Nat. Inst. Sci. India, 6, 1,45. 1940.



76.         On a physical theory of the solar corona. Proc. Nat. Inst. Sci. India, 8, 1, 99. 1942.



77.         A physical Theory of the solar corona. Proc. Phys. Soc. 57,      271. 1945.
78.         (With D. BASU) Capture of electrons by positive ions while   passing through gases. Ind. J. Phys. 19, 121. 1945.

79.         (With B. K. BANERJEE) Wave-treatment of the propagation of electromagnetic waves in the ionosphere. Ind. J. Phys. 19,        159. 1945.



80.         (With A. K. SAHA) On nuclear energetics and ß-activity.        Trans. Nat. Inst. Sci. India, 2,7, 193. 1946.

81.         (With A. K. SAHA.) Nuclear energetics and ß-activity.            Nature, Lond. 158, 6. 1946.

82.         Conditions of escape of radio-frequency energy from the sun   and stars. Nature, Lond. 158, 549. 1946.

83.         Origin of radio-waves from the sun and the stars. Nature,         Lond. 158, 717. 1946.



84.         (With B. D. NAG CHOWDHURY) Measurement of geological time in India - the age of rocks and minerals.            Trans.    Nat. Inst. Sci. India, 2, 8, 273. 1947.

85.         (With B. K. BANERJEE AND U. C. GUHA) On the propagation of E.M. waves through the upper atmosphere.            Ind.        J. Phys. 21, 181. 1947.

86.         (With B. K. BANERJEE AND U. C. GUHA) On the               conditions of escape of micro-waves of radio-frequency range     from the sun. Ind. J. Phys. 21, 199. 1947.



87.         Note on Dirac's theory of magnetic poles. Phys. Rev. 75,          1968. 1949.



88.         (With B. K. BANERJEE AND U. C. GUHA) Vertical              propagation of electromagnetic waves in the ionosphere. Proc.       Nat. Inst. Sci. India, 17, 205. 1951.

89.         Occurrence of stripped nuclei of neon in primary cosmic rays.               Nature, Lond. 167,476. 1951.



90.         Determination of the electron concentration and the collision frequency in the ionospheric layers from polarization patterns       of the 0 and X waves. Proc. Mixed Commission on the               Ionosphere, Brussels. 211. 1954.



91.         Fuel in India. Nature, Lond. 177, 923. 1956.



ARTICLES PUBLISHED IN Science and Culture (Calutta)

The abbreviation `Ed. Art.' stands for signed editorial article; `unsigned' stands for unsigned editorial note. The bibliography, up to 1953, is reproduced from Professor Meghnad Saha, his life, work and philosophy (1954).

Vol. I (1935-36)

1.           Science & culture (Ed. Art.), p. I.

2.           Ultimate constituents of matter, p. 12. 

3.           The great Quetta earthquake (Ed. Art.), p. 63.

4.           The march towards absolute zero. p. 132. 

5.           A common script for India. (Ed. Art.), p. 117. 

6.           The Carnegie Educational Trusts (Ed. Art.), p. 215. 

7.           Electricity - its use for the public and for industries (Ed. Art.), p. 303. 

8.           The Carnegie Institution of Washington (unsigned), p. 330. 

9.           The fiftieth birthday of Niels Bohr (unsigned), p. 337. 

10.         Public supply of electricity in India (Ed. Art.), p. 367. 

11.         Sir U. N. Brahmachari (unsigned), p. 407.

12.         Archaeological excavations in India (Ed. Art.), p. 439.

13.         The Indian Institute of Sciences, Bangalore (Ed. Art.), p. 523.

Vol. II (1936-37)

14.         (With P. L. KAPUR) Conference on Nuclear Physics, p. 133. 

15.         Irrigation research in India (Ed. Art.), p. 281.

16.         Industries and scientific research (Ed. Art.), p. 413. 

17.         Problems of industrial development in India (Ed. Art.), p. 529.

Vol. III (1937-38)

18.         On the national supply of electricity (Ed. Art.), p. 65.

19.         Indian national reconstruction and the Soviet example (Ed.      Art.), p. 185. 

20.         (With D. S. KOTHARI) Obituary of Lord Rutherford of           Nelson, p. 300. 

21.         Indian Science Congress Association, 1914-38 (Ed. Art.), p.    307. 
22.         Need for a power research and investigation board in India     (Ed. Art.), p. 405. 

23.         Minor plants (unsigned), p. 312. 

24.         (Wilh A. N. TANDON) The intelligent man's guide to the        production and economics of electrical power, pp. 506, 574.

25.         Symposium on India's power supply (unsigned), p. 594. 

26.         Fight of Oxford municipality against Lord Meston and others (unsigned), p. 602.

Vol. IV (1938-39)

27.         The next 25 years of science in India (Ed. Art.), p. I. 

28.         Records of the Royal Society of London (unsigned), p. 91. 

29.         Review of the Rockefeller Foundation for 1937 (unsigned), p. 99, 

30.         Congress President on national reconstruction (Ed. Art.), p.    137. 
31.         Technical assistance to Indian industry by the Govt. of India    (unsigned), p. 147.

32.         Symposium on Weather prediction (unsigned), p. 160. 

33.         On a national scheme of education (Ed. Art.), p. 199. 

34.         Industrial India (Ed. Art.), p. 36. 5. 

35.         The age of Mahabharata (unsigned), p. 182.

36.         Solar control of the atmosphere, p. 545. 

37.         Need of calendar reform (Ed. Art.), p. 601. 

38.         The reformed calendars and the Gregorian calendar, p. 603. 

39.         National planning in Sweden (Ed. Art.), p. 669.

Vol. V (1939-40)


40.         The Indus Valley 5000 years ago (unsigned), pp. 6, 89. 

41.         Centenary of decipherment of the Brahmi and Kharosthi          alphabets (unsigned), p. 148.

42.         James Princep (unsigned), p. 153.  

43.         The War comes (Ed. Art.), p. 265. 

44.         Work of the Archaeological Survey of India (Ed. Art.), pp.       377, 451. 

45.         The four-fold ruin of India (Ed. Art.), p. 499.

46.         National Research Council for India (Ed. Art.), p. 571. 
47.         Scientific research in national planning (Ed. Art.), p. 639.

Vol. VI (1940-41)

48.         Wanted a national fuel policy (Ed. Art.), p. 61. 

49.         (With P. K. SEN CHAUDHURY) Physics in aid of medicine, p. 110. 

50.         On the use of science and scientists (Ed. Art.), p. 1m. 

51.         Right thinking (Ed. Art.), p. 311. 

52.         Science in War (Ed. Art.), p. 489. 

53.         Need for a school of glass technology in India (Ed. Art.), p.     555. 

54.         Sir Shah Md. Suleiman, p. 644. 

55.         Uranium fusion, p. 694.

Vol. VII (1941-42)

56.         Science teaching in schools (Ed. Art.), p. 61. 

57.         Rabindra Nath Tagore (unsigned), p. 123. 

58.         A common language for India (Ed. Art.), p. 173. 

59.         The mystery of the solar corona solved, p. 247. 

60.         Sir M. Visvesvaraya (unsigned), p. 274.

61.         Automobile industry in India (Ed. Art.), p. 465. 

62.         The late Prof. W. Nernst, p. 518. 

63.         The late Sir William Henry Bragg (unsigned), p. 544.

Vol. VIII (1942-43)

64.         Civilizations in transition (unsigned), p. 2.

65.         The late Rai Bahadur R. P. Chanda (unsigned), p. 65. 

66.         Science and war effort in Great Britain and India (Ed. Art.), p.              95. 

67.         Twenty-five years of the Soviet Union (Ed. Art.), p. 145. 

68.         (With S. N. SEN) Oil and invisible imperialism, p. 150. 
69.         The renaissance of China (Ed. Art.), p. 195.

70.         Technological revolution in industry -- how the Russians did it               (unsigned), p. 398. 

71.         Industrial research and Indian industries (Ed. Art.), p, 465. 
72.         Gauripati Chatterjee (unsigned), p. 163.

Vol. IX (1943-44)

73.         Proposal for reform of the Govt. Organization for Scientific     and Industrial Research (Ed. Art.), p. 1. 

74.         University College of Science, Calcutta (unsigned), p. 19. 

75.         Flood (Ed. Art.), p. 95. 

76.         Shakespeare on astrology (unsigned), p. 142. 

77.         Basic principles of organizations of scientific rcsearch (Ed.     Art.), p. 173. 

78.         Prof. Hill on the organization of scientific research (unsigned), p. 308.

79.         Post war educational development in India (Ed. Art.), p. 405. 
80.         (With K. Ray) Training of the Tennessee River, p. 418. 

81.         Famines, Royal Commissions and Commercial Commissions   (Ed. Art.), p. 509.

Vol. X (1944-45)

82.         Department of planning and development (Ed. Art.), p. 7. 

83.         (With K. RAY) Planning for the Damodar Valley, p. 20. 

84.         India's need for power development (Ed. Art.), p. 61. 

85.         Principles of regional planning (Ed. Art.), p. 17i.

86.         Some constitutional hindrances to development of India's         natural resources (Ed. Art.), p. 455

Vol. XI (1945-46)

87.         Development of resources and Indian constitution (Ed. Art.),   p. I. 

88.         The 220th Anniversary of the U.S.S.R. Academy of Sciences     (Ed. Art.), p. 49. 

89.         (With S. N. SEN) Institutions under the U.S.S.R. Academy of   Sciences, p. 55. 

90.         (With B. D. NAG CHAWDHURY) The story of the atomic      bomb, p. 111. 

91.         Industrial research (unsigned), p. 119. 

92.         The logic of the atom bomb (unsigned), p. 212.

93.         Britain's part in the evolution of atom bomb (unsigned), p.       214. 

94.         Planning or muddling (Ed. Art.), p. 215. 

95.         Royal Asiatic Society of Bengal (Ed. Art.), p. 451. 

96.         Obituary of Sir U. N. Brahmachari (unsigned), p. 447. 

97.         The Damodar Valley Reclamation Scheme (unsigned), p. 513.

98.         The atom bomb, p. 645.

Vol. XII (1946-47)

99.         Our national crisis (Ed. Art.), p. 253. 

100.       Patterns of planning in different countries (Ed. Art.), p. 297. 

101.       Association of Scientific Workers (India), p. 323.

Vol. XIII (1947-48)

102.       Multi-purpose development of Indian rivers (Ed. Art.), p. 3.

103.       National Research Council (Ed. Art.), p. 123. 

104.       Industrial utilization of atomic power in India (unsigned), pp. 86, 134.

105.       Release of atomic energy (Ed. Art.), p. 167. 

106.       Problems of independent India (Ed. Art.), pp. 358, 471.

Vol. XIV (1948-49)

107.       Department of Scientific Research, I and 2 (Ed. Art.), p. 41. 

108.       University Grants Committee (Ed. Art.), p. 215.

Vol. XVI (1950-51)

109.       National Planning Commission (Ed. Art.), p. 2.

Vol. XVII (1951-52)

110.       Five year plan (Ed. Art.), p. 51

Vol. XVIII (1952-53)

111.       Education in India (Ed. Art.), pp. 1, 53. 

112.       Reform of the Indian calendar, pp. 57, 109. 

113.       Need for a central geophysical institute (Ed. Art.), pp. 103,      355. 
114.       Rethinking our future (Ed. Art.), pp. 399, 449, 557. 
115.       The industrial policy of the Planning Commission, p. 452.

Vol. XIX (1953-54)

116.       Technical autonomy in industrialization (Ed. Art.), p. 471. 

117.       (With B.D.N.) The thermonuclcar weapon, p. 575.

Vol. XX (1954-55)

118.       The solar eclipse of June 30, 1954, p. 2. 

119.       Obituary: Sir Lewis L. Fermor, p. 28. 

120.       The World Calendar Plan, p. 108. 

121.       Atomic energy in India (Ed. Art.), p. 205. 

122.       Future of atomic energy in India, p. 208. 

123.       The University Grants Commission Bill, 1954 (Ed. Art.), p.      409. 

124.       Draft Second Five-year Plan (Ed. Art.), p. 575. 

125.       Technological evolution -- the basis for economic freedom, p. 578.

Vol. XXI (1955-56)

126.       Atomic weapons, disarmaments and peaceful uses of atomic     energy, p. 66. 

127.       Thc Report of the Disarmaments and Atomic Weapons              Commission of the World Peace Assembly -- Helsinki, p. 70. 

128.       The Atomic Energy Conference at Moscow, p. 76. 

129.       End of an unscientific era (Ed. Art.), p. 117. 

130.       (With A. P. PATRA AND S. K. SEN) Observers' notes on       physics and reactor sessions of Geneva Conference, p. 129. 

131.       List of papers presented at the Geneva Conference, p. 113. 

132.       Ninth Session of the International Astronomical Union.            Dublin - Ireland, p. 183.

133.       Reports of the States Reorganization Commission, p. 223. 

134.       (With A. BOSE AND D. BASU) The Nobel Prize Awards in    Physics, 1955, p. 363. 

135.       (With MANUJENDRA LAL CHAUDHURI.) The Nobel         Prize Award in Physics, 1955 (II), p. 513.

136.       Institute of Nuclear Physics, p. 586.



1.           Need for a hydraulic research laboratory in Bengal. Sir P. C. Ray Commemoration Volume published on the occasion of              his 60th birthday. Calcutta. 

2.           The mission of the physicist in national life. Ind. J. Phys.          11,5. 1937.

3.           The problem of Indian rivers. Proc. Nat. Inst. Sci. India, 4,       1. 1938.

4.           Science in social and international planning, with special        reference to India. Nature, Lond. 155, 221. 1945.

5.           Scientific research in India. Proc. Nat. Inst. Sci. India, 11, 4.    161. 1948.
6.           Suggested reform of the Indian calendar. Nature, Lond.            169, 961. 1952.

7.           Different methods of date recording in ancient and medieval    India, and the origin of the Saka era. J. Asiatic Soc. Bengal,       19, 1. 1953.




1.   Dilip M. Salwi, Meghnad Saha Scientist with a Social           Mission, Rupa & Co, New Delhi, 2002.   

2.   G. Venkataraman, Saha and His Formula, University Press,   Delhi, 1995.

3.   S. N. Sen (editor), Professor Meghnad Saha His Life, Work   and Philosophy, Meghnad Saha sixtieth birthday committee, Calcutta, 1954.

4.   প্রশান্ত প্রামাণিক, বিজ্ঞানী মেঘনাদ সাহা, জ্ঞান বিচিত্রা প্রকাশনী, আগরতলা,      ২০০৯।

5. রথীন্দ্র নাথ সাহা, বিজ্ঞানী মেঘনাদ সাহার জীবন ও দর্শন, মুক্তধারা, ঢাকা,      ২০১১।

6. শ্যামল চক্রবর্তী, বিশ্বসেরা বিজ্ঞানী. ১৯৯৯, কলকাতা: শিশু সাহিত্য সংসদ

7.   সত্যেন্দ্রনাথ বসু, রচনা সংকলন, বঙ্গীয় বিজ্ঞান পরিষদ, কলকাতা, ১৯৯৮।

8.   Pranab Bandyopadhyay, Great Indian Scientists. 1993,         Delhi: Book Club.

9.   Robert S. Anderson, Building scientific institutions in India: Saha and Bhabha. 1975, Montreal: McGill University.

10. Abha Sur, Dispersed Radiance Caste, Gender, and Modern   Science in India, Navayana Publishing, New Delhi, 2011.

11. Robert S Anderson, Nucleus and Nation Scienists,    International Networks and Power in India, The University     of Chicago Press, Chicago, 2010.

12. Santimay Chatterjee and Jyotirmoy Gupta (Compiled and      Edited by), Meghnad Saha in Parliament, The Asiatic          Society, Calcutta, 1993.

13. Meghnad Saha, My Experiences in Soviet Russia, The           Bookman, Calcutta, 1947.




অজিত পোদ্দার                                  সার্বিক তত্ত্বাবধান

অভ্র                                               বাংলা সফ্‌টঅয়্যার

আর-এম-আই-টি ইউনিভার্সিটি               লাইব্রেরি

ইউনিভার্সিটি অব মেলবোর্ন                              লাইব্রেরি

গুগল                                             ছবি ও তথ্য

নাসিম আহমেদ                                 প্রচ্ছদ

লা ট্রোব ইউনিভার্সিটি                          লাইব্রেরি

সাহা ইন্সটিটিউট অব নিউক্লিয়ার ফিজিক্স             রেফারেন্স পেপার

সানজিদা নাসিম                                পান্ডুলিপি নিরীক্ষণ

অধ্যাপক শ্রাবণী পাল                          পান্ডুলিপি নিরীক্ষণ

মোহাম্মদ হারুন অর রশীদ                              মীরা প্রকাশন

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